Sunday 18 June 2017

sunset porn // Song to Song

Tutored this morning, told a kid off for not doing working out in his HW and he seemed so apologetic but usually he's pretty bratty so I'm like hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm you two faced af bro.

Then went to Chatswood Westfield with my fam for a "family day out" which we haven't had in ages but I ended up just going around to bargain stores with my dad to buy his dancing costumes + bought mi goreng at an asian grocer + looked at guitars and blurays I'll never be able to afford at JB Hi-Fi.

Had a small lunch at Chatswood then met up with Amy outside her tutoring place to get some overpriced dessert from the Choc Pot. It was shit. Don't do it. it looks nice. but it aint. the brownie was so bitter and dense bleurgh....
Then went to Town Hall together --> I watched a movie and Amy studied.

lorde's new album wow is good is v good

Song to Song (2017)

Dir. Terrence Malick 

song to song ... literally leaked ... when I was IN the cinema ... watching it ... im not even kidding 
can't sleep now because tumblr + twitter so lit and erryone watching this movie.

hot take: Song to Song was actually... good!! Y'all know I went into it 100% expecting to hate it but I actually enjoyed it heaps more than A Ghost Story. Both were completely unique experiences but I guess love triangles and power struggles are more interesting to me.

It was a beautiful movie with a beautiful cast and beautiful cinematography. I think I really have a thing for sunsets. like really wow.
Stuff actually happened in this movie!! I was so put off by Tree of Life because literally nothing happened in the first 17 minutes so I was pleasantly surprised that there was some semblance of a plot here albeit a very vague one. Essentially its a love story between Ryan and Rooney. There were also lots of time jumps but it was fun trying to figure out where all the characters were in their various relationships.

and holy shit are there MANY relationships. Fassbender + Ryan Gosling had like three different love interests, so did Rooney who got with a girl at some point??? like logically this movie is a complete mess --> the characters are unlikable, pace is all fucked up (it really lulls in the middle), they're supposed to be musicians but Ryan is the only one that can sing/play piano, it relies a bit too heavily on voiceover to catch us up with the plot, lots of unnecessary navel kissing etc. I could go on for a v long time nitpicking this movie

but fuck it cus for some reason I was totally absorbed my eyes were glued to the screen I could not wait for what was going to happen next. not really happen actually just awaiting more sunset porn. I was so disappointed when this ended because I wanted it to go on longer??

Kinda sad because Terrence probably filmed hundreds of hours worth of stuff and we ain't ever going to see it :(
Its one of those movies you HAVE TO SEE in cinemas otherwise you're just gonna get bored and not be able to appreciate its true beauty at home on ur laptop screen. I think I'd be so bored if I watched this at home. I saw this at George St (by myself because my 4 friends who I hate enough to ask them to sit through something like this with me, all have finals ugh why do people need to study?????????? like who cares about your future amirite???????????). 

its 4:30 am...I wasn't going to gif this movie but hey it finished downloading so I guess I should...this file is 5.5 gb rip laptop


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