Finished, hung out with Phuc's squad for a bit and again realised how good it would be to have a uni group that does the same course as you.
Went to Town Hall and met up with FD and Feng for dinner at Chat Thai which I don't remember ever being that overpriced but apparently it always is?? Portion sizes were tiny we got like two noodles in our pad see ew and it wasn't even that nice. The mango coconut sticky rice was yummy but still not really worth the $9.
First Sydney Film Festival Film
Then we went to the State Theatre to watch Una and originally Feng wasn't supposed to come cus we already bought tickets and there were no more seats next to FD and I but ofc we didn't want to leave her so we just bought her last minute tickets. She had to sit between two really old people. Actually scratch that, everyone in the cinema was really really old. The youngest around us were like the people wearing hipster glasses w/ front bangs (probably art students) HAHAHA but yeah everyone was sipping wine and wearing trench coats.
Didn't know Ben was showing up like literally
this fucking journalism tho can you imagine having this job............
Went to Caffe Tiamo afterwards for bingsoo and cheesy fries and had a chill time we kept missing trains cus we were talking too much. Cheesy fries were pretty good!

Then went home... and fucked up HAHAHA. I didn't even really procrastinate. I started marking at 12:30 then was up till 4 because I also had to make hw for them... then I gave up and went to sleep for 3.5 hours to wake up and keep marking.
Tutoring was pretty standard, I got really pissed at this girl that just zoned out so I called on her randomly and she couldn't answer my question cus she had no idea what was going on and I just held the awkward silence for so long as she struggled before I was like "can anyone help her?"
Met Lulu at cabra lib and we actually studied quite well? My concentration span is so bad these days haha. I just revised the stuff I should've already knew for ELEC... but also remember that i got 58 for my midsem so revising just means I was learning it again.
Went home at 4 and dicked around then took a nap...until 9:30 HAHAHA. So now I'm blogging and need to study but also ceebs.
I've been listening to Fearless for the past two days cus its on Spotify? Idk but I miss Taylor Swift's country days where she played the same 4 chords and sang about dumb shit. I'd like to think she still sings about dumb shit and that she's just getting more subtle about it instead of screaming about how he doesnt call her back at 2 a.m. and they're arguing in the rain because he said they would be forever and always but now he's changed and she's crying on her guitar and prolly rusting the strings.
Una (2016)
Dir. Benedict Andrews
This is the probably the first movie I've watched where everything is everything is so ambiguous but thats ok because forming your own opinion is half the fun. Me forming an opinion is not something that's done very often.
Watch it if the subject matter interests you (paedophilia/abuse) or even if it doesn't its so intense and gripping. I went into it thinking I was going to be bored because the trailer gives away most of the big plot points anyway but its the exchanges between the two actors that suck you in. WHO KNEW TALKING IN ONE ROOM COULD BE SO EXCITING.
If you like what you see and you wanna see more click right here to see more
Watch it if the subject matter interests you (paedophilia/abuse) or even if it doesn't its so intense and gripping. I went into it thinking I was going to be bored because the trailer gives away most of the big plot points anyway but its the exchanges between the two actors that suck you in. WHO KNEW TALKING IN ONE ROOM COULD BE SO EXCITING.
If you like what you see and you wanna see more click right here to see more
I liked it and would watch it again. It could totally be a text you'd analyse in English.
Me asking Feng and FD to come A Ghost Story is like asking them to die for me.
I am so ready for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGHHHHHHHHH
Me asking Feng and FD to come A Ghost Story is like asking them to die for me.
I am so ready for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGHHHHHHHHH
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