Friday, 9 June 2017

just secret scripture / big lil lies so yenno click if u want

I'm feeling distinction level prepared for maths and like I could work that extra bit for the HD but I'm also extremely lazy. 

The Secret Scripture (2016) 

Dir. Jim Sheridan 
I have my math final tomorrow but The Secret Scripture leaked 24 hours ago so the fact I am only watching it now is kinda unlike me. 

Wow ok this was quite a shite movie (that SHITE should be said in an Irish accent). Editing was a fucking mess imo it was so jumpy like one scene would just end abruptly or there'd be way too many cuts back and forth during dialogue. I said what the hell out loud twice whilst watching this when some scene would end and I realised there was actually nothing that that scene added to the movie. Also there were so many continuity errors which is such a basic thing for movies to do correctly like wtf?? REMEMBER IN TGWTDT how David Fincher insisted on CGI-ing the gap in Rooney's hair just to avoid possible errors?!?!
Saw that plot twist coming from "a mile away". Melodramatic piano music played so much over every single fucking scene like its because the screenplay is so weak they tried to increase the emotional impact with shitty music outta nowhere but no i just did not give a single fuck. 

Rooney and Jack Reynor made a surface level cute couple like kinda how celebrity couples are cute but you have no emotional attachment to them. Their relationship was so underdeveloped...she saw him once and suddenly she knows he's the only guy she'll ever love. Questionable....? I am pretty sure they didn't even have one meaningful conversation. Since their romance is the foundation for the rest of the movie, well, you're just not invested in anything that happens afterwards.

Also Rooney was so underused she legit made doe eyes and screamed a bit. Theo James had the same stupid angry face on for the whole movie. 
what a fucking tragedy
a little more carol and a little less pan ffs

Big Little Lies 


I just finished watching the first episode and I'm literally blown away like there is not a single hair follicle left on my head. I can't even describe the atmosphere that that first episode created... I felt like I was in a lil suspenseful bubble that was just waiting to explosion everywhere. IM FUCKING SOLD.

unrelated but :

It has really taken this long...for a Sky High (2005) photoset to pop up on my tumblr feed wow. no words to describe how great that movie was.

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