Sunday 22 May 2016

running out of titles

Yesterday I was starting surds with the year 9s and I put up these super easy qs for them and you know that they're super easy when they can actually do them lmao

Anyway, I was going around asking for answers and everyone was like totes answering correctly. And the question was what two whole numbers does this surd lie in between? The surd was sqrt 50 and this one girl I asked said the decimal approximation was 7.1 and I was like good and then I asked her what whole numbers is it in between? and she looked at me square in the face and was like 6 and 7 and I almost fucking choked like I was trying to hide the shock in my eyeballs
All faith lost in these year 9s like fuck im teaching this shit to my year 5s atm. 

What is the point

Up to ep 9 of Mr Robot. Lol I'm so tired of life. Omg when he kissed Darlene and she was like don't you remember who I am? Also Darlene is the dandiest name like when Lulu/Feng used to speak in their southern accents and say RANDY geeet off ma porch I feel like Darlene would totes fit in that little scenario somewhere. DARLENE.

Remember when Darlene was Dalia from Suburgatory??? I MISS SUBURGATORY IT WAS SO FUNNY 
The only memory I have of the show was that when the main girl got to the suburbs she was like "the water pressure is really high" that is seriously the only thing I remember happening. But it was definitely funny. 

I haven't gotten drunk in so long please someone let me get drunk 


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