Friday 27 May 2016

Mac n Cheese

Yesterday went to uni with Amy at 9 omg it was so strange to be at uni so early.

Sat in her chem lecture because her optom friends had answers to the chem lab HAHAHAH then went off to do my Engineering Assignment. Basically Phuc and I have to do the report because we can't do anything else but yah its hard because we weren't really involved in the programming of the robot so we can't write about it but when we ask the team what to write about it no one says anything???

yeh then went to physics other (fun) learnt a little bit then went to meet my engo group. Played pool at Basser College for a bit then went down to the tute. I've actually improved in pool so much O_O

Did literally nothing in the 2 hour tute and the other three guys were working so hard but denga phuc and I were like ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm we don't know what to do. We talked about the same shit we always talk about then when 5 o'clock came around, we left the tute and on the way to the bus stop we bought some MAC N CHEESE LOADED FRIES from the Char Char food truck.

They were strange at first but they grew on me after a while lol. 

tfw when you have a lactose intolerant buddy
then left uni to meet with the parents for dinner at Yayoi. It was surprising good and like definitely NOT CHEAP but not the most expensive thing either. Like the set meals were $18 and included heaps of food.

We had some wagyu hotpot thing + chicken katsu with egg and rice
tofu salad
My photos are so shit soz. Also had dessert: matcha mochi balls and ice cream with fruit.
Um my dad randomly wanted to try their sake and it was gross. EVERYTHING ELSE WAS SO YUMMY THO

Yah then went home and watched deadpool with my mother lol

had a wonderful sleep and it is now 12pm and I have yet to do any work


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