Monday 30 May 2016

Tiger Mums

Is it unprofessional to bitch about students' parents HAHAHAHA because seriously I need to just vent like wtf is this bullshit I swear my mother was never this annoying

BASICALLY for the year 5s there's this fabulous coworker who has already prepared all the homework (bless her) so all I have to do is like look at the homework week by week and prepare my lessons off that and last week's lesson was going to be on simple interest (literally have no clue why year 5s are learning that but w/e suspend your belief for now)

thank gosh I only have to teach them interest with the rate as per annum because i dont think their little minds could handle changing it to months and all that

but yeh so I teach them questions only using p.a. and pretty sure in class when I wrote the questions sometimes I forgot to write p.a. after the percentage but w/e they know what I mean

so in homework there are like 2 questions where the girl who made the homework forgot to put p.a. after the rate. I didn't realise this until one of the kids came up to me today (when they were supposed to hand it in) and was like uhhhh wheres the p.a. for this q and I was like oh soz that's a typo theres supposed to be a p.a. there and he was like "oh yeah i thought so I told that to my dad but we had a big family argument over it and he slapped me 20 times"

and I was like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

NEK MINNIT his mum calls up the centre like wtf is ur teacher teaching my kid and complaining about how the homework question was wrong and im like ????????????????????????? THERE WAS NO P.A. FOR LIKE 2 QUESTIONS AND I DIDN'T EVEN TEACH THEM ANYTHING ELSE BESIDES PER ANNUM (LIKE NO PER MONTH OR ANYTHING) SO WTF???????????? ? ?? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???

anyway yeh sure asians r cray

omfg ive been watching offspring vids for like 2 hours fuck this show is so funny I WANT TO DIE ITS SO FUNNY HOLY SHIT IM ACTUALYL CRYING AND TRYING NOT TO SOUND CRAZY HAHAHAHAHA

ok nvm i just watched a really sad scene

such stress I need to do some work but i dont want to lol story of my life


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