Sunday 1 May 2016

Who's That Girl + Sem 2 Timetable

Back to tutoring year 9s today. I copied and pasted some peoples reports lol so I'm scared I didn't change the names and they'll be like da fuq.

Catching up on New Girl season 5 even though I have a calculus test on Monday.
Bojangled it and here's what I've got so far. Not looking forward to COMP1917 because everyone says its really hard. But COMP1911 which is like the standard one doesn't run in sem 2 so I'm kinda screwed. The harder one (1917) is recommended for mechatronic engineers though so hopefully I'll get something out of it.

The COMP1917 other on Friday is only for the last two weeks so for the rest of the semester every second Friday I only go to uni for like 2 hours :( Also my Tuesdays and Wednesdays are going to be a little hectic.
ALSO YASSSS I FOUND MY 5B HOMEWORK I left it behind last term so I just found it on the shelf I left it on before the holidays. but now I have to mark it :(

This video never ceases to entertain me. Its so funny when they all start cheering because they think Oberyn has won but nEK MINNIT everyone starts GASPING when the Mountain squishes Oberyn's head like a watermelon.


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