Monday 9 May 2016

A Masterclass in Creative Writing

I very rarely take pictures of the sky but today was a special occasion. After buying some cake for my mother from Town Hall, I alighted the train and proceeded to sip my Gong Cha. After contemplating the decision I had just consciously made to subject myself to milky farts for the rest of the night, the train pulled up at Museum, where one of the kitchenhands from Me Oi joined me on my pilgrimage towards Carramar. I pulled out my takeaway box of Pad Thai from last night's Mother's Day dinner and devoured it in a few short minutes. Then, fatigued from the little sleep I was afforded last night, I tightened the strings around my hoodie, leaned against the dirty glass window and slowly fell into a deep sleep. I dreamt about physics quizzes, demonic children failing their NAPLANs and back pain. Suddenly, I woke up at Villawood, home of brain damagingly good chicken, and glanced outside. A rift had appeared in the clear blue sky. Pillowy shapes poured out and blanketed the world in pink fairy floss. The last rays of sunlight peeked out from under the horizon.

Then I got off the train at Carramar and took a fucking photo. BECAUSE LOOK AT THIS SHIT YOU'LL PROBABLY SEE THIS SHIT LIKE ONCE A YEAR. And yes you've probably already seen it on snapchat, insta or in person but let me set the record straight. LET ME SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT. MY PHOTO IS THE BEST DAMN PHOTO THERE IS. LOOK AT THE SILLHOUETTE OF THE TREES AND THE OVERHEAD RAIL LINES LIKE YAS. Fuk ya LilyMaymac my photoG skills are on point.  #NOFILTER
Wow reading that must've been a spiritual experience you'll never forget.

SO YAH went to buy my mother some watermelon cake and taro cake from zumbo. PSA DON'T BUY THIS TARO CAKE FROM ZUMBO IT IS VERY MEDIOCRE FOR THE $9.50 I PAID FOR IT. LOOKS GOOD. TASTE LIKE NOTHING. Do buy the vanillla v8 though it is so good.
We started to 3D print our rescue robot! took like 2-6 hours for each piece.
This is what the base looks like atm

Got 9/10 for calc test because didn't know how to do the last question. I think thats what happens when u try to cram everything the night before. But also wtf I was so stupid.

Also my phys prelab is 21 minutes this week. and people recommend you watch it a few times cus appaz its really hard.


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