Saturday 21 May 2016

Say a little prayer for me

Booked my P's test for...........................3 DAYS BEFORE FINALS LOOOOOL

7th - P's test
10th - Math1141
14th - Phys1121 - LITERALLY RIP WTF IS HAPPENING (most anxious for this one)
16th - Chem1131
And somewhere in the middle of all ENGG1000 report is due.

OG Glee fans know what I mean

Also has everyone seen Kanye's batshit cray rant on Ellen?

Tutored the 4U kids today, prepped for tomorrow's classes and that's basically all I've done. Even though exams are coming up so so so soon what am I doing with my life.

PrankvsPrank are breaking up lol.


woke up at 7 to prep work for 9:30 class lol talk about last minute. I actually cannot deal with my 9Fs holy shiz like I say something and they just look at me like zombies fk. Have got to make trig tests for both classes next week like nek myself so much to do O_O

My 9Cs are so funny though I think I'm starting to not hate them HAHAHA thats good right? I gave them a challenge question and I was like the prize for it is going to be so lame and they were like what is it and I was like $10 and then they all went bat shit crazy. they were like OMGGGGGGGGGG $10 IS SO MUCH AND THEY WERE ALL TRYING TO DO THE CHALLENGE QUESTION SO DILIGENTLY LOL

none of them got it in the end and they were all like 5 MORE MINUTES HAHAHAHA it was funny I used to be like that. This one kid was like you're not even giving us money are you going to give us $20 for the next one?

Like BYE how rich do you think I am.


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