Monday 23 May 2016

When you're not part of the squad

Last chem lab ever today!!

There was an evacuation drill when we got there and we were all so scared we were going to have to do make up lab but luckily they let us back in.

does anyone else experience this? like everyone is helping each other out in chem labs and being all buddy buddy and shit but never say hi outside of labs? like I say hi to my actual lab partner but everyone else I kinda pretend I don't know even though I recognise them

its like once the lab glasses are off.....everyone is a different person

JK im just exaggerating but its kinda true like the lab glasses are a mask we put on just in chem lab

Before chem lab I had lunch with Amy, Louise and Whansae!!! Mamaks Village is so good omg we had the mee goreng with chicken and it was yum. also got the classic roti yum

I'm getting those painful pulses in my head I got back in year 10 wtf is this it just pulsed twice fuck i need to appreciate the times when I am fit and well because if i get these headaches again I will literally be unable to function. it feels like what I imagine an artery popping in your head would feel like

don't want to die bcus my parents will be sad

ooft there goes another pulse. trying to figure out what sets it off ooft there was a mini one

mini one

We didn't meet up for our engg1000 project today even though it is due very very soon and idk what's happening LOL. meanwhile chilled with a denga and her friend for a little bit and went home because I wanted to watch game of thrones and also didn't want to intrude in Phuc's "Squad"

So much to do and doing none of it. Classic Serena. I feel like i say that every blog post.


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