Tuesday 17 May 2016



Photos from chem cruise

HOW CONVINCING IS PHUC AS A GIRL THO OMG his name was "Jennifer" on the night
 Can only drink beers when I'm tipsy.
 fucking look like I'm crying blood why did I agree to this
Had the most fucked up dream

but basically I was at uni and like the new game of thrones ep was coming up but i was so stressed from uni and work that I couldn't watch it but for some reason they were showing the ep like live in one of the theatres (i think Keith Burrows) and I was besties with Daenerys and Jorah so I walked down with them and suddenly all these peasants appeared and started bowing down to Daenerys being like MHYSA

Then I walked into the theatre and suddenly it turned into a chem lab and I had to collect some pressure syringes from the front and fill them up with something??

Throughout the uni part of the dream I kept seeing like random year 9 tutoring kids as uni students?

Then for some fucking reason I was working at KFC again and I was like wow this is actually so fun I kind of miss it like filling up chip boxes and shit. Some chick ordered a salad and I was like why are you ordering a salad do we even sell that. Apparently KFC did sell it in a combo so I packed her chips for her whilst salad was being made. Then suddenly I turn around and the other person helping me serve is gone and theres this huge line of people and I'm so overwhelmed and stressed like omg I can't pack chicken this quickly.

Then it morphed into the Jimmy section of my dream and blah blah another day at tutoring then halfway through my dream one of the teachers had a baby??????? and like the baby popped out and starting speaking full english sentences and I remembered being so bloody amazed.

So much more weird shit happened but I don't remember :( I only remembered that stuff cus I told my dad in the morning immediately after I woke up. Hopefully I have cool dreams like that again.


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