Saturday 14 May 2016

want to learn some new skills

Wish people made more of these videos

my life is a mess HONESTLY WTF AM I DOING OMG I NEED TO STOP holy shit  FCK

Do you ever feel like your brain is screaming at you to do your work but your body is just like nah ceebs i want to learn magic tricks?

CEUS cruise was a pretty tame affair. they said "free drinks" but like the bar was closed half the time so :/ tfw your room so dirty you starting finding dead bugs on your table. 

Yeh well rocked up with Nancy Z, some sghs like NAncy D and the same peeps as VSA and wanted to stay over hotel but had tutoring this morning :( Cruise was meh, didn't get drunk enough, music was so shit (like wtf they started playing country songs???). got free entry into Marquee with free drink upon entry, stayed for like 10 mins then Nancy Z and I caught the light rail back to central yay

Bought a HSP whilst waiting for the train which was coming in 23 minutes. I started eating it on the floor of the station bcus still tipsy but tbh would do that even when sober and some guy walked past and yelled THAT LOOKS DELICIOUS and me being the humourless person I am shouted back, "I KNOW RIGHT?!"

Phone ran outta batts on the way home so started drawing over my HSP box. I chucked it away now but I basically wrote a whole blog post. I took a pic of the top but I wrote all over the bottom as well. There are some gems but good luck deciphering my writing
Also the HSP was like a 6/10 it was so salty and bleurgh like I would get it again if I was tipsy and craving food at 12 like last night but wouldn't buy if sober


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