Friday 1 December 2017

Circle of Love // VSA Retreat round 2

"thanks for the wannabes"

Retreat Things

Writing this blog post rn whilst I'm still at retreat. We're watching Aladdin and its only Phuc, Dani, Selina, Dalena, Amy Lim and Andy left staying back for the last night. Everyone else went home and we just had the most wholesome night. Made tacos, went down to the rock pools outside our house, blasted music and took cute sunset photos then played Uno.
Love the crew that stayed behind because we all cooked and cleaned together unlike the rest of the boys before who were legit just freeloading
Had such a fun time these past few days. My fave part was when we played Circle of Love which isn't really a game its like happiness sheets but actually saying it instead of just writing it. We were all pretty cooked on the 2nd night and I was full struggling to say nice things about everyone but it was really really sweet. I remember complimenting Khang on how nice he was when we played tennis with him and he kept encouraging us. With Jo I was like "you hated me". What's changed though really XD

When it was up to me, I don't remember much cus I was really really drunk but I remember the general consensus with the boys is that they didn't get to know me enough cus I didn't talk to them and it varied a lot with the girls LMAO. Amy Lim's one was so swoooooooooooooon and so was Jo's one but I don't fucking remember what they said. OH YEAH Jo was like " when she messaged me being like I'll actually pick you out to make you feel better, I almost cried" and Amy Lim said something like I'm a good listener and we get each other cus we're so similar and have great dnms in the car.
I remember Khang being in the kitchen making us some migoreng sandwiches and his one was pretty generic I was like NAH HE'S MAKING ALL THIS SHIT UP and Selz said I should be more confident and Andy said something nice but I forgot. Daren said he got to know me better during tennis and that I was "pretty cool". Alan's one was super swoon too but no recollection FML I should've recorded it but afterwards I felt so warm and fuzzy and not because the chunder was bubbling up inside me. OH LOL Selz said that people should hit me up at 2 am because I'm always up for a chat and watching random youtube videos. ALSO OMG I WENT INTO JOANNE'S ROOM TO CHUNDER AT ONE POINT CUS SHE HAD A BATHROOM  BUT SHE WAS SLEEPING SO PEACEFULLY SO I FELT BAD FOR DOING THAT TO HER SO I WENT UPSTAIRS INSTEAD HAHAHHA

Earlier that night we played mario kart with 7 players and the last 3 in each round had to take a shot and thats how I got so fucked cus I'm pretty bad... It was so fun though cus so much shit talk and screaming if it was close. Andy also kept making me drink what a shit. Also kept cuddling debbie cus she's so touchy when she's drunk HAHAHA 
look at this trash
Oh yeah we played paranoia as well and ffs Kevin asked me the shittiest question. I asked Debbie "who would you kick out of the committee if you could" and she copped out and picked Andy.

I'm home now and quite glad to be in my own bed but I'm already sad and missing having friends :(

Today we cleaned up the house then went to the beach. I couldn't be bothered changing into disposable clothes so I just stayed outta the water, listened to Taylor Swift and contemplated life whilst wading around in the water. It was amazing weather and the water was so clear. Felt so peaceful. Apparently the people swimming saw a stingray so Andy didn't wanna stay in the water anymore so he joined my brooding. Then we had lunch at fish n chips and then we said bye bye to Gerroa and went home...
More things happened over the last 3 days but I'm so ceebs to recount it all. My heart is filled tonight but then I just got a bit depresso espresso when I called Amy cus idk why i'm just feeling lonely now.

Here are some more kawaii photos. This is from the second day at the beach and I didn't bring swimwear cus I'm a dumbshit
I play oztag XD
1st night I tried to get lit but my liver just didn't allow it so I got hoeanne lit instead
When Phuc tells us to take a candid photo
Retreat this time was so much better than first one cus I felt more accepted and less self conscious. I mean its taken me a solid year to get to this point cus I'm a retard but its chill now!!! Will be sad without them next year and also very bored :(

Went to eat at Kaffir Lime with the fam just then. Hadn't seen them in 4 days but I still paid more attention to Khalid Masters group chat HAHAHHAA.

Last Sunday

The night before I left for retreat, I went on a bingsoo run with Amy and Stephen. I complained about how Amy takes so little photos of me compared to Stephen and then she showed me this pic she took 5 mins before.

wtf is this am I burnt around the eyes
Stephen kept putting on this Korg voice from Thor and it was so weird cus he knew all the lines in the same New Zealand accent so embarrassing. He ordered in that voice as well. Amy kept asking her the nastiest would you rather questions.

That same night, I wrote Niina a plane letter before she left for Egypt and I hadn't done one of those in agesssss but I remember our group used to do them for each other all the time in high school. So much fun to make. 

Random thoughts

Mary Mag trailer is finally hereeeeeeeeeeeeee. Thank fuck after the Harvey Weinstein scandal it found new US distributors. Coming out March 22 in Aus and distributed by the same people who did Lion so hopefully there will be free screenings hehe. Looks boring as shit but I'd die for her

when jesus say yes, nobody can say no!!!!!!!! 

Losing a bit of the passion for blogging I used to have and idk why. It just not as fun anymore. Probably realised that its healthier for my thoughts to stay inside my head sometimes.

ALSO I GOT A HD FOR MATHS OMFG I GOT 85 HAHAHAHAH WTF HOW EVEN IS THAT POSSIBLE ONE LESS FAT LAMB I HAVE TO DRINK YTBBBB!!! I ALSO DIDNT FAIL MTRN HAHAHHA WTHHHH IM SO CONFUSED. did kinda shit for mman though so thats sad. got my distinction for BIOM but i was 1 off hd which was grrrrrrrrrrrr >:(

gun memes for fun teens


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