Wednesday 20 December 2017


I like my girls just like I like my honey, sweet, a little selfish.
I like my women like I like my money, green, a little jealous.


Woke up the day after KO with my entire body aching. I guess that's what happens when you stand for like 7 hours straight. Was so bored at home until Amy, Stephen and Eugene called me out to go bingsoo. 
Had good chats and was just really really content. We kept breaking the stupid fake candle thing lmao. We talked for a while and didn't want to leave bingsoo. Saw Jo and Khang and he mocked me about my sports bra again fml. At KO it took him legit 5 hours to realise I was wearing one cus he was so fucked. 

On the way back to the car, we saw like 3 cockroaches which caused Eugene and Amy to jump so hard that Eugene dropped her cheesecake. She opened the box in the car and it had crumbled into a million pieces. sad reacts

They had a standoff with me outside Amy's house because I wouldn't tell them a joke. It was a bad bad one though and I didn't wanna traumatise them. Sleep time zzzzzzzzz


Woke up at 9 am to buy Halsey tickets. YTBBB hit me up if you want to go I have 2 extra and they're all general admission :) Gotta start listening to Kehlani now since she's the support act lol

Stephen, Amy and I had lunch with some of Amy's ex students. It could've been a lot more awkward LOL but Daphne and Bruce talked so much that I didn't feel the pressure to say anything. Tried the famous burger from the Chatswood burger place that Amy and Stephen kept raving about and it was yummy but sickening. Its basically a normal beef burger but with the addition of a thicc mac n cheese croquette as well. Could feel the obesity with each bite I took.

Went to Project with Amy to plan out our schedule for resourcing. Fml we are so so so screwed because we have to finish at least 2 modules before the end of the year and its already the 19th. Then trained to Strathfield where Selina picked me up to go to State VSA EGM so we could support Amy Lim. We got to Cabra Library super late after we picked up Joanne but we still had time to hear the speeches and vote. She got it!!

Rushed to catch the train so I could eat dinner with my sis in Burwood. I was so annoyed because I wanted to eat with VSA peoples but she kept guilt tripping me like "I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS THE WHOLE DAY". MY sis is so clingy when it comes to food.

Had malatang for the first time and bruhhhh BRUHHH IT WAS SO YUMMY AND WORTH IT FOR ONLY $11.71 NO REGRETS. We went to this one in Burwood called Yang Guo Fu. You could choose whatever meat/veggies/fish balls you wanted and UGH just so so yummy. Next time I will get no spice because my head was sweating too much but besides that it was a gr8 meal.
Sis dropped me off at Strathfield then had bingsoo with VSA. We played ultimate werewolf as well which wasn't as fun as first time but probs because the swapping wasn't as intense and we had no
Khang. First time properly spending time with Winnie and Kieran.


I feel so lazy and don't want to resource but I need to treat it like a job. Omw now to WIESoc escape room which is so so ceebs but at least it will give me inspiration for the BESS one that I'm planning.  Not close to any of the WIESoc people except for Lizzie and kinda Lucy so zzzzzzzzzz not a fan of the small talk and no bants yenno.

On the train back from WIESoc atm. It was actually kinda fun!! Got attacked by a seagull on the way to the escape room lol no biggie. I was holding my $2 bbq cheeseburger when a swarm of seagulls like flew over me and one of them snatched it outta my hand fuck.

We did the Abandoned Military Bunker escape room at PaniQ which was kinda hard but we still made it on time because we asked for hints. I need to plan my BESS escape room asap since the escape room is still fresh in my mind. There was some awkward small talk when we first got there but once we got off the work/uni topics it was better.
Went to Pancakes on the Rocks afterwards for dinner which was extremely filling. Going to try get Arc to reimburse us for it though.
I wanted Blueberry Heaven so bad but it ended up being my least favourite out of all the pancakes we got (lemon meringue is the best holy fek). WIE people are all extremely friendly but idk if I'm bothered to put the effort in to get to know them better.

Lizzie and I split from the group after dinner and we just sat on a bench with a bomb view of the Harbour Bridge and Opera House and smoked. I'm on like my 7th cigarette of my life atm and I still don't like it. I'm so shit at smoking them as well like I inhaled it into my lungs and had a coughing attack. Talked about life things and I just felt really at peace.


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