Saturday 9 December 2017

human or chicken?

My auntie was being annoying when she found out about my red light fine. She was like, "why did you stick so close to the truck then? You shouldn't be driving so close! You should've seen the light!" and she kept going on and on and then I lost it. I said, "don't tell me how to drive. You don't even drive." CUS SHE DOESN'T HAVE A LICENSE WHO IS SHE TO TELL ME HOW TO FUCKING DRIVE

I'm getting so triggered by everyone today
Amy: *farts*
Serena: SHUT UP
Amy: You think you can order everyone around just cus you have a little more human rights now?


I have such shitty memory these days. Can’t remember what I did yesterday?? Anyway, met up with Brenda at 6:30 cus we were both ceebs to meet earlier. Went to red bottle, bought some soju and went to Kobow. Kobow is so strict nowadays. They wouldn’t let us BYO the soju so we tried to just pull it out whilst we were eating but they full checked our order and were like uhhh you have more soju bottles on the table than you ordered so they took our soju away :(

Anyway, got really lit at Kobow then smuggled our remaining soju bottles into Sanct.
Memory kinda fades at that point. We tried to drink the soju in the bathroom but it was so ratchet Brenda had to buy Coke for chaser. Met up with Amy Lim and Selina plus saw some other VSA from different unis. I was so drunk I was happily socialising with everyone. Kept trying to make lil amy drink and then felt bad because she looked so sick.
Trained home and made my sis come out to pick me up. Accidentally fell asleep and got off at Canley instead of Fairfield so she was so pissed. Omfg when I got off the train this creepy asian dude was following me and he kept yelling HEY at me so I walked faster then he walked faster and I started running and he ran after me so I called my sis but she wasn’t picking up and I was fearing for my life and there was not a single soul around. Kept running until I spotted a security guard outside the Canley Vale palm tree club?! I stood with him and he was this really big friendly Islander dude. This other white girl came as well and I was telling them about how he was following me and then she was like “if he looks at you like that again I’ll deck him” HAHAHAHAHA fucking love drunk people. Anyway once the creepy guy saw that I was with other people he went somewhere. The seccy and white girl watched as I walked to the car and I got home safe and sound WOOOOOH.

My sis was watching Thelma when I got home cus I told her to do before and she was so confused. I feel like movies are so personal sometimes like idk I can’t put into words why I like certain movies sometimes its just a feeling I get

Khalid Masters minus hoeanne had a lit video call and it was so funny cus Selina kept singing "All around me are familiar faces" and then after we hung up, Amy watched Riverdale and Archie starts singing that song. Selz asked what movie would I make them watch if I could only choose one and I said Carol and she was threatening to watch it and fall asleep. Um please see previous post that movie is my religion
I'm at project academy now!!! Everyone is super nice (its kinda weird omg) and their classrooms are so colourful. Just had a meeting with Eddie and Harrison about resourcing. Amy's teaching rn I'm just sitting on the couch like a potato waiting for her.


Thelma (2017)

Dir. Joachim Trier
This is so good holy fucking shit I'm writing this the day after I watched it and I finished watching all the director interviews I could find + random tumblr analyses and I'm blown away by the layers of meaning in this movie ITS A FUCKING ONION PARTY IN HERE

I would've done the shit outta this movie for discovery. @ all new year 12s THIS IS THE FILM FOR Y'ALLSSSSSSSSS



Zero Dark Thirty (2017)

Dir. Kathryn Bigelow 
Yes this was good but you didn't need me to tell you that. 

Didn't know it would be so fucking long though


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