Sunday 17 December 2017

first rave

I'm questioning right now, is this the life I want to live?


First rave, was so excited cus I usually get really swept up in the vibes when there's loud music and flashing lights. Anyway, the security was super super lax LOL you could've just walked straight through with no one checking your bag. But there were doggos to sniff for drugs.

It was so awkward at the beginning me and Andy were just dying trying to bop along to the music but nah it was hella hella awkward. We both couldn't get the original stuff we asked for beforehand but luckily I asked Feng for an extra one. Expert drug dealer right here.
Took it, and didn't feel anything for an hour then it kicked in super slowly. My legs were slightly more wobbly and I could just bop along to the music without feeling self-conscious or having to consider other people?? But it was super super subtle like I'd snap out of it immediately if someone started talking to me. Didn't feel entranced by the lights or anything. Then it faded super quickly too and I just felt hot. FUCK IT WAS SO SO SO HOT. Like sweat just kept coming out and I drank 3 bottles of water and didn't have to pee the whole night its so weird. Peed just then but it was super yellow cus I think its still coming out as sweat even though I'm not even hot anymore.
Apparently vicks are supposed to enhance the effects of it but I just kept sniffing it cus it cooled my nasal passages. Ellene was super nice and concerned about us first timers but Andy and I were so sober and fine. OMG AMY LIM HAHAHAHHA she popped first and fuck she couldn't stand up cus her legs were weak. I aspired to be that level of cooked. 
It was basically like a club but much bigger and the music is so loud it flows through your whole body. Such regrets though because not enough of da good stuff. It was still fun though and I would do it again for sureeee.

I also wasn't feeling the feels like people said I would but maybe cus I wasn't cooked?? idk when I came home I just wanted to keep dancing even though my feet were dead.

Other updates: passed my green p's test on Friday (when I also bumped into Jo and delivered Amy's parents some Gong Cha)


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