Thursday, 7 December 2017

i got a fine fml

wasn't my fault aight

I was driving Viv home from El Jannahs today when I stopped at a big intersection waiting to turn right. I was behind this fat ass truck and I was thinking of changing to the empty lane next to it to save some time but I was a bit ceebs. Then the light turned green and everyone started turning but it was taking so fucking long cus the truck was really slow so I switched lanes. I couldn't see the traffic lights cus the truck's ass was too big. Nek minnit I look up and as I'm about to cross the line the light turns red but it was too late to brake. Saw two flashing lights and in that moment I knew
Sure enough, got home and I was like to my parents "uhhh I may have got a red light fine but it wasn't my fault" and my dad stops washing his dish and chucks it back into the sink then starts yelling. Sigh they didn't even let me tell my story. He brought up all this stuff from my past about my allegedly "reckless" behaviour (i.e. doing things last minute, not listening to him when he gives me traffic directions) that had nothing to do with this situation like bish what
I was just so done I could feel the tears coming so I went to my room lmao. They refused to take my points and kept saying like SEE THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULDN'T DRIVE. Why the fuck did I get my P's then?!?! Who on this earth today feels personally victimised by their parents?
I was having a pretty good day before everything went to shit. Renewed my license today at Bankstown RTA then played tennis with VSA. We split into two courts - girls and boys but it was basically noobs and non-noobs lol. I was so so so tired afterwards. I've improved so much from when I first played though. Now my arm is double ouch from bowling + tennis.

Then we had El Jannah's afterwards and Selina kept doing this creepy face when she was mushing her bread and garlic sauce together. The Viets tried to speak Chinese and the Chinks tried to speak Viet. Was super chilllll. 
Clowns ! I accept your challenge !
Me: Carol is a best LGBT film on the 21st Century because it doesn't focus on the oppression the characters face, rather the strength of their love for on another!! Also Todd Haynes is a visionary director he perfectly captures the female gaze also DID YOU KNOW THEY SPENT 12 YEARS WRITING THE SCREENPLAY also THEIR HAIR ISN'T REAL!!! The colours are so beautiful they use a lot of greens and reds to signify the changing dynamic of their relationship. Just listen to that music don't you think everything is just perfectly crafted?? Every frame is an artwork. Every cut has a reason for being there. 



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