Saturday 23 December 2017

I'm starting over

just joking its still 2017 don't have to contemplate what I'm doing with my life just yet


woke up at Amy's house and we went to Paul's Famous Burgers (which I had never heard about lol not THAT famous). We got a burger each but they were so fucking huge so Kevin ate all the leftovers. Since I can't eat a lotta things, I think I missed out on the best burger experience but my cheeseburger was still very yummy. This was their famous burger:
juicy a f
Went back, resourced a tiny bit then finished watching Eclipse (6/10 movie btw not as bad as everyone says its is h8ers are my motiv8ers).

I went home, had dinner and watched the Crown. Forgot my charger at Amy's house so I did a bit of work before my mac ran outta batts. Played with the cat outside my house and fed it lotsa ham and it laid outside my house for hours whilst I was watching the Crown. I WANT IT OMFGGGGGGGG its so cute I die.
sheds a lot though so I can't wear black clothes when I play with it


High School Group Reunion

Had MPH group reunion at Spice Alley. Was actually super fun lol I wasn't looking forward to it before because I was like ceebs so many people but it was actually fun. Also mini Ohana reunion and hadn't seen Lianne in years. 
r u happy now bitch
Shared pad see ew, roti canai, teh tahrik and mango sticky rice with Jizzica. It was super yummy and actually not that expensive except for the sticky rice. 

Everyone in our group is pretty much the same and even though we all haven't seen in other in a solid year and I don't think we have that much in common anymore we can still banter about stuff?? Idk its weird I felt like I was back in HS and could actually be myself. Still though everyone is such a grandma. Only a couple of us wanted to stay back and drink. I STOLE THE CAMELBAK BOTTLE FROM KYLIE AND SHE WAS LOWKEY SALTY (hehe) BUT NOT AS SALTY AS NELLIE WHEN SHARON STOLE HER MECCA BAG I WAS DYING

Went to Central Park to kill time with Tammy, Lulu, FD and Lucy and bought a few things at Daiso. Idk what we did for 2 hours?? Just talked and I did a bit of work. I showed them some hardstyle but not too doof doof songs and they liked. Weather was good too. 

Went to Se Jong with FD and Lulu on Castlereagh Street which was really good!!! They just opened so they had $10 soju and they gave us free bingsoo for dessert as well. Plus very generous with the side dishes and the servers are super nice. 
Got a lil lit then walked to Sanctuary which was just starting to get packed. Drank a couple of long islands, got super lit then smoked with Feng
Somehow got to Daniel Phu, Nat Dam and Tommy's group and then I shared the ciggie with them and I was worried Feng was awks but we were both lit so it was fine. They were all really surprised I was smoking. I met Feng's rave group too and they were super nice niceeee. Idk I remember a Michael, an Isaac, ALICIA'S BOYFRIEND!!!!!, Victor?? Idk. Bumped into Miriam who dropped a bit of a bomb lol. Had an awkward conversation with Nancy Dinh and then saw Whansae who is now doing secondary education at USYD!! oh also saw some WIE people. Amy and Stephen stopped by and shook their heads at me like disapproving parents whats new
Trained home with Lulu and Tammy and just wanted to dance lol. So much fomo cus everyone's going HTID but I'm overseas :( IT OK I'm super excited for Japan.

drunk rambles

I'm starting over - CODE BLACK - I'm lit and my pee is threatening to escape my body

had such a good lit night love u all

HAHAHAHAH fk I keep destroying my lungs but I tried these blueberry cigarettes that Feng gave me from her friend and they were sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice and cool UGH

I met feng's rave group!!! they are all so nice loL . Connie was so fucked today fuck u connie she said I was the fave out of the people who had camelbaks THATS LIKE 3 PEOPLE ffs

Anyway, I really needa pee fuck


Random Tings

Filling out paperwork for Project has got me all salty about HSC again HAHAHAHA LET GO SERENA LET GO. Idk where my final Year 12 report is so I had to scroll through conversations to see if I told anyone my ranks and I was fkking 3rd for Chem?!?!?! IT DIDN'T COUNT IN MY ATAR

stay young by Darren styles is so good dED DED


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