Tuesday 5 December 2017

like perfect pretenders

Sis told me to listen to this but I was like nah but then I listened and now I'm addicted. Don't kill my vibe is still better though I think

Amy's Birthday

So yesterday PAKKA PET PALS finally went out to celebrate Amy’s birthday. It was meant to be a surprise but I kinda told her about it and then Stephen revealed everything afterwards :/

We went to Suminoya near Martin Place and it was sooooo good. $61 for all you cant eat bbq buffet but the meat was really good quality and you could order desserts and side dishes for free too. The first bite of meat I had was so succulent I diedededed. Stephen and Amy refused to eat the ox tongue but it legit just tasted like slightly chewier meat 😡

Then we went Seoul Project to drink soju and we got pretty lit. Amy, Stephen and Eugene did the rice purity test and Stephen got low-key conpetitive HAHAHHA. Then we went for 1hr karaoke which was super fun and went by so quickly. Mostly sang Beyonce (YOU’RE IRREPLACEABLE!) and Little Mix.
We went to Star Bar for more drinks and I was pretty lit already so I kept touching the ice cold beer tap then running to touch Stephen’s face and he froze.
Then we ubered to Oxford St to find Stephen a boy to hook up with and we ended up at a gay bar called Stonewall Hotel that was having their weekly Sunday karaoke night?? It was hosted by this fabulous drag queen and there was this competition where you had to put on a wig and mime to a gay anthem. IT WAS SO FUNNY OMG there was this guy called Andy who was so so so good and he looked like David Tennant. Then the drag queen did her own song and fuck it was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen. I COULDN’T STOP WATCHING HER DANCE MOVES AND HER DRESS TWIRLING AND JUST UGJSKCNKWKDNFKKWKS I was pretty cooked tho and I remember Taylor Swift came on and I snapped Danielle being like “SHE’S A GAY ICON!!!!!”

This random guy took selfies with us on his phone so Eugene had to get his number so he could send them to us??
They had $10 long islands as well FKKK gotta go again. There was this creepy guy who kept grinding on us though and when Amy was like n t y he said “I’M GAY ANYWAY” lmaooooo

Love gay clubs they’re so lit and everyone is so friendly but also Eugene said that she wouldn’t go to a gay bar with anyone but us I was like TRUUEEEEE HAHAHAHA they would probably be so confused
Was a lit night

Earlier yesterday I woke up and Andy messaged me to come out for yum cha with State team cus they just finished their AGM. Wasn’t gna go cus I don’t know State team well at all but Andy and aamy lim said they’d sit separately cus they were awks too HAHAHAHHA true friends. Drove there and lined up but Precious said to just join the rest of them. Died because they only ordered prawn shit at the beginning FCKING HATE PRAWNS GRRRRR. So many people in State team intimidate me and I was so shook when Hamill hugged me goodbye cus I didn’t talk to him the whole time ehhhh. After that drove to tutor Lily then went out to city.

Today is a new day and I had an ok sleep after our night out yesterday.  AMY calculated that we were in the city for 10 straight hours. Watched Stranger things s1 with Eugene and Amy and I think 1 was actually considerably better than 2 cus more character development and mystery surrounding the Upside Down.

Now on the train home cus I have homework help today fuck. Agreed to help Amy resource for Project but I gotta meet them on Saturday which I am already nervous for. Plus gonna be feeling shitty from drinking the night before gluglu. I’m looking forward to liver cancer when I’m 30 zzzz.

Wondering what I should blog about now cus I’m bored on the train. Raindrops look cool when they hit the train window diagonally. Lmao after going to the club I feel like so much is based on just looks.
Now its 1:21 am Tuesday morning and I just finished watching Hunt For The Wilderpeople with my sister. So so good fucking love new zealanders

Foods I hate

  • All seafood except cooked fish
  • Avocados
  • Egg yolk
  • Peas
  • Tomatoes
  • Carrot
  • Cucumber
  • Olives
  • Mushrooms (unless its truffle cus I’m fancy)
  • Durian
  • Chicken feet
  • Century egg
  • Radish
  • Blood sausage
  • Pickles
  • BEANS grr hate baked beans, hate the beans in 3 coloured dessert, beans in nachos are tolerable tho


Hunt For the Wilderpeople

Dir. Taika Waititi
"Me and this fat kid
We ran we ate and read books
And it was the best."

almost cried fml
Such a cute movie. Has the same humour that Thor: Ragnarok had (or Thor had the same humour as this??) so I continuously laughed throughout this. New Zealand accents make everything at least 1.5x funnier.

The little kid actor was super deadpan idk I just saw his face and laughed but he has such an pursed lips. Much heartfelt story about a father/son type relationship and the characters all grow and change into better people. 

On an unrelated note I am very excited about Call Me By Your Name. Armie Hammer and Timothee Chalamet are such good friends and banter so much on talk shows hehe

Berlin Syndrome

Dir. Cate Shortland
This movie is so fucked how can people be this fucked omfg. I

t's about an Australian tourist who gets kidnapped whilst shes solo backpacking in Berlin. The guy who kidnaps her seems so normal at first which is why its even scarier.

I was so invested and absorbed for almost the entire movie then my laptop ran outta batts. The suspense was so real and I felt so fucking bad for her but at times she would react to certain situations weirdly?? Idk I wanted her to just stab him multiple times instead of once etceetc DUMB BITCH come on have you learnt nothing from movies.

Ending was super unwhelming and very very rushed but overall I still really enjoyed this.

ALSO ima just put that there cus its 2:38 am and I'm feeling lonely and wanna watch carol again but for my own sanity I won't do that cus then I'll just end up crying FUCK ITS TOO LATE

Hello? Carol? I miss you. I miss you.
I'm legitimately tempted to watch it again rNNNNNNN but I have to sleep I MUST NOT NO


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