Thursday 14 December 2017

gee up for green P's test

Sigh knockout on Saturday and I have nothing to wear GOTTA SO SHOPPING TODAY BUT THAT MEANS I HAVE TO BRAVE THE 42 DEGREE WEATHER!! I haven't even been listening to hardstyle recently lmao I'm a fat noob and I'm not prepared for this. Fuck should not have drank coffee this morning uhhh my stomach

Monday I went to play tennis with Nancy, Yuan and Kenny. Everyone was really rusty so we just tried our hardest to hit the ball with no regard for the rules. We were about to steal 4 balls but we saw the boss lady and we were like nahhhhhhhh.

On Tuesday, Amy and Kevin picked me up from Wiley Park then we went to their cousin's house to play with their new puppy, Nugget. It was so hyperactive and kept trying to hump my leg. So unco as well it kept stumbling and falling. It was lying on the floor with its legs stretched out so it looked like a log.
We went back to her house, lazed around for a while. We went to Kmart to buy supplies for Stephen's coming home party. We ended up just buying these two really long Christmas shirts and a fat green one for Stephen.
We picked him up from Hurstville wearing them and omfg so embarassing cus Amy didn't want to get outta the car so I was by myself dancing in this ridiculous outfit. 

Stephen bought special Kit Kats from Melbourne so we tried them and then watched Fury which was quite depressing. Then Amy drove Stephen home and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

My dream on Tuesday night was one of the strangest dreams I've ever had. I was at war and to attack the opponents I had to shift my sleeping position. Then I went bowling and they were filming Mary Magdalene where the bowling pins were so I went there and met RM. Then she joined a huge group of engo students and we were back in first year doing CHEM1031 and we all had a prac exam but she was really quiet?? Idk then Niina came back from Turkey and was pretending she was screwed.
Wednesday morning, we had sticky rice for brek then went to watch Wonder at Liverpool. Stephen didn't stop crying throughout the whole movie. Also saw dis ytb
They dropped me off at Lily's house for tutor and I whacked my head into the car door and now I have a bruise.

After that, had another argument with parents not letting me drive which resulted in my dad volunteering to drive me to Auburn for VSA tennis so it was a win I guess?? Tennis was chill. Guys and girls were on separate courts cus we were significantly shitter than them HAHHAA. There were so many bugs though ewwww.

Went for Korean food at Strathfield afterwards then homeee. No bingsoo cus it was getting late.


So surprised when Feng said she took my movie recs srsly

Wonder (2017)

Dir. Stephen Chbosky
We all cried in the first minute. So much happiness and sadness in one movie UGHHHH. Highly recommend for all you soulless people that want to feel something.

For a kids movie it clocked in at 1hr 53 mins and I feel like they could've cut so much out. There's a side character in this that is so fucking unnecessary and her storyline makes no sense?? Idk no spoilers but its so so so dumb. Also the death of another character added absolutely nothing. I get that they were trying to cover every single character so everyone had someone to relate to but ehh it just felt choppy. The acting of some of the kid actors was bad as well noah fence. There were too many stereotypes in this. 

Still though I had a good time xD. Jacob Tremblay must be protected

Columbus (2017)

Dir. Kogonada

I'm usually so good with nothing happening type of movies but nah literally NOTHING HAPPENS. I'm so unhappy because I cannot fathom why other people love it so much. Their conversations were vaguely interesting at times when they got emotional I guess but that ending?????????? I was left with a sense of frustration because I just wasted 1 hour and 44 minutes of my life.
I wasn't intelligent enough to enjoy this movie.

Fury (2014)

Dir. David Ayer
I don't think I'm a big fan of war movies because everyone always dies and its too depressing but I liked this one. I mean it was still depressing but I liked the characters. Beginning was super slow lol Amy was falling asleep. 


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