Tuesday 5 September 2017

my sock has a green dot of pandan waffle batter

The tense in this post is so fucked cus I wrote this over 4 time intervals I'm sorry. I feel like doing a photoshopping post soooooooooooon but who for?? Maybe Tammy because her birthday was recent and I haven't done her yet. My 2015 photoshopping posts were actually so tragic I need to be better!

Sweatshop (Yesterday)

I'm so deaded after cooking fucking pandan waffles for like 3 hours. I had another MMAN block test this morning (lol it was kinda bad BUT I'm fairly sure I got the entire second question right which was 20 marks out of 30 already so crossing my fingers I get like at least 22/30). Then Phuc, Lily, Viv and I took a train to Fairfield --> picked up some maccas --> drove to Amy Lim's house in Bonnyrigg.

When we arrived, Khang, Jo, Andy, Selz and Amy were already slaving away. Then we kinda just kept working until 12. At around 11 people were so ceebs and just started chatting but a few of us wanted to get the fuck home so we churned out those waffles. There were 5 machines going on at the same time. I'M SO TIREDDDDDDDDD. Not even going to be at the event tomorrow cus gotta study for maths... which is what I should be doing rn.
Over the weekend what did I do... nothing?? Studied a tiny bit but mostly nothing.


lmao vsa needs a table for event today and I volunteered mine and now my dad is being a bitch cus hes 100% convinced its going to get wrecked somehow in his exact words "they're going to stomp on it". He has ptsd after lending things to people and having them constantly come back to him broken.
  • tripod - roxie broke it
  • brand new blender - manly/maria broke it
  • projector - cynth broke it
  • lotus sculpture - mum broke it

Woke up at 7am --> Phuc drove the waffles and I up to uni and I studied for a bit at library but got bored and just ended up chilling at the event. It was a very big success!!! Waffles were super delicious and hot cus we were reheating them inside the waffle pan right before we served them. AND WOW FOR ONCE STEPHEN SHOWED UP. Shout out to dat boy who helped me a lot for my maths exam today. lmfao phuc and stephen have group work struggles 
Then did my MATH2089 stats midsem which was kinda ehhhhhhhh I'm unsure about two questions that were slightly different to the past paper ones. 

Currently in Matsci with Niina, Jason and Brendargh not studying because I feel like I've been studying so much. I deserve a break. Also this other dude who's name I've forgotten about twice now lmao I was like why does he look so familiar then I realised we met at speed friending.... um?

I feel like i missed out on something in life by not going to an in the lonely hour concert

literal mind poop stop

ready for what... I'm still waiting.... taylor... please release a good song...

fake movie stan... telluride and venice are both on and I have no idea what is going on at EITHER

From Telluride, apparently Battle of the Sexes is eh and Lady Bird is good. People saying Gary Oldman for best actor in the Joe Wright movie "Darkest Hour". Ha ha rmbr when Joe Wright did Pan cus I do. I would've died for Pride and Prejudice when I started this blog L M A O remember that!

From Venice, people are going apeshit crazy for Shape of WAter, tulip fever is utter shit

I'm about died after watching the bold type for 3 hours on youtube last night goodbye

I wanna post other things on my tumblr so bad but I feel like I'm restricted by my url.


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