Wednesday 13 September 2017

may we meet again


Went to uni. Sat in BIOM lecture for 10 mins before Jason and I gave up then went to quad to play badminton. Dalena randomly saw us and joined. I'm pretty sure we played for a solid 45 mins and I got really red and kinda sunburnt lol. 

Went to matsci and "studied" lol more like scrolled fb and occasionally helped Phuc with MMAN. Then went to a long af VSA meeting where we were picking places to go for next retreat. FFS I was kinda excited to go but a few of the execs wanted to invite some of the past UNSW team to come as well and so they held a vote to decide whether or not we wanted them to come. But lmao my passive af ass voted "i don't care" but more people voted yes so now they're coming. ragrat get ready for some depressive posts between 24-27 when I'm having my perpetual crisis of not being able to talk to people. 

Our meeting got really serious as well when Dalz started talking about AGM omfg. Arc Delegate position for VSA just opened up as well cus little Amy got a cadetship and can't even do VSA next year so I could possibly still run but could I win over someone else?!?! Probably not. 

Had dinz at Ashfield Taste of Shanghai afterwards. The table next to us got up and left and they had so much food leftover so Jo was peer pressured to get up and grab it HAHAHA. The waiter had given us our last dish already so when he looked over at our table he was so confused and we couldn't stop laughing.

Now I'm blogging and probably going to regret it because I have so much other shit I should be doing


Remember when I complained about the VSA application? Cus its that time again!! But this time it's for WIE Arc Delegate. 
Me? Time manage? l m a o proceeds to hand in the application at 11:59 pm . I literally have so many hours to do this before work tonight but I'm still going to leave it till after cus I'm ceebs af. 

The 100

Spoilers galore obviously 

I look so fucking ugly rn I've cried so much in the past 3 hours I cant even deal. When Octavia tells Bellamy "you're dead to me" that's how I feel about this show

fucking lexa dying is one thing after her and Clarke finally have sex then fucking killing Lincoln as well but the worst thing is what they've turned Bellamy into this entire season I'm just so done and there's just no happiness in the world

can I just live in an alternate universe where Clexa lives happily ever after and Lincoln and Octavia have cute ferocious grounder babies and Bellamy isn't a Nazi dictator's puppy dog 



LEXA MOTHERFUCKING DESERVED BETTER OK. *tears pool in the creases of my double chin*
I hate this and I don't really thing gifs can even like express what I'm feeling atm I just miss her so much and I wish this didn't happen


Ok it's a brand new day I have somewhat crawled out from the pit of despair I was in last night. I stayed up so late watching the show but then watching Lexa/Lincoln death reactions over and over again because I love watching people suffer.

I'm still recovering and I'm liking gayass tumblr posts like this and this and can you see the heartbreak on these people faces like I'm surprised they could even move cus I was just stuck in bed with my hand over my mouth 1000% shooketh. 
Sigh i need to move on with my life and stop letting fictional characters get me so emotional ffs

Well now I'm almost finished season 3. Things are working out now there's not as much despair HAHAHA. Bellamy is back to normal.


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