Saturday 9 September 2017

Young Dumb & Shook

Sabrejna Anjerbas #UNFILTERED

lmao I'm drunk again woopieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. What a night. So many things happened idk where to start. Well most recently we lost Eugene for a solid hour and a half because I let her go bathroom by herself which I hate myself for doing because apparently now she's at Redfern with the police. Its all good thought because Tina went to get her THANK GOD and Aldwin showed so much concern as well ((still gives me creepy vibes tbh but he's caring so??).

I'm listening to Khalid's album finally its so FUCKING GOOD favs are Coaster and Another Sad Love Song. Currently Let's Go is pretty good as well.

There's a curry security guard sitting in front of me from SNPSECURITY I think he thought I wasn't ok because I was leaning on the glass trying to sleep.

Thoughts: um this random curry guy kissed me on the cheek and I just wanted to scream at him NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO but too drunk to so...  I was so nice to him GOODBYE. bitch i don't like u Stop

tfw when nobody replying to u on fb :'(

Sad sad sad night I feel so bad for Amy/Stephen because it was supposed to be a fun celebration of his birthday but Eugene stayed at Sanct whilst Amy/Stephen were pooing at World Square and then Eugene went missing and we all went looking for her for so long ffs.

Tables they are turning. Lover (adC) I am hurting :'( Burning burning... da da da da

I'm so sleepy but I can't sleep.

I feel so bad I have to drive Lizzy from HORNSBY to ST PETERS TMR I realised that that is literally a 1 hr detour but I already agreed so......... rip me I'm such a dumb shit. ummmmmmmmmm?????? WTF am I doing how do I even work this out


OMFG ALSO ME AND STEPHEN SUCCESSFULLY GOT CHECKED OFF FOR CHECKPOINT 1 EVEN THOUGH WE LITERALLY STARTED THE ASSIGNMENT THIS MORNING HAHAHAH we were rushing it so bad and I got really panicked at some point but thank god Sandy and Krystal were there to send us their code THANK JESUS. KRystal said she forgets I do MTRN and its cus I'm never at uni l m a aoAAOAOAOO

won't you send me your location?

why do we need to ????? please r???

The rest of this blogpost was written when I was sober

What am I gna do without VSA next year like legit the only time I socialise is when I'm with them. AGM is coming soon and most of us know who's going to get what position except for maybe IVP which a lot of people are going for. I think I complain too much l m a o


We were playing DBD and after a game, the killer started messaging us and was like "ARE YOU GUYS VIETNAMESE" and then we said yes and started spamming Vietnamese foods then he asked if we knew his lesbian Vietnamese friend Hoai who lives in Sydney and then Jake started saying how she made him lick her vag in front of the principal or else he wouldn't get any chocolate??? Then the killer was like HOW OLD ARE YOU GUYS and we all said 9 or 10 then he was like OMG HOAI IS 21 OR 22 I was dying laughing

The 100

I trashed this show the first time I watched the first episode because the writing and acting and just everything was 1/10. Amy tried to convince me to keep going because "it gets better" but I was like NEVER!!! ITS SO BAD!!!

Well... um ... *nervous laughter* ... I'm kinda halfway through the second season ...
I hate this fucking show and I hate FINN ugh can he die already BOOOOOO he's so dumb I have never hated the main love interest in a show like I hate Finn. I'm up to the part where Lexa is like "we can have a truce if you turn Finn in" and whilst Clarke and Bellamy are trying to figure out a way to protect him I'm just like
So far the plot is really good. Like it actually feels like they've mapped out all the storylines and how they intersect etc. It's not like they're making it up on the spot (cough Orphan Black). But I'm worried after season 3 its gna get bad cus idk if they have enough foresight to plan so many seasons. Season 4 ratings are really really shit LMao. 

I know so many spoilers already so the show could've toyed with my emotions so much harder.
she still got love to give :'(
Ok update Finn finally died and I was sad cus of Raven's reaction :(( Legit 5 mins after Finn dies Clarke starts tuning Lexa so gots no complaints here

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