Monday 25 September 2017

i found peace in your violence



Y'alls ever find yourself waking up at 3:30 pm after 11 hours of sleep? or dat just me? l m a o. Tutored my private kid yesterday who also happens to be my boss' daughter which is kinda weird??? I legit don't mind teaching her because she's so funny and blurts out random things when she's confused. Plus she actually does her hw.
Did nothing yesterday. Called my square box of friend whilst she did her essay and I played some guitar. Also did some quizzes that were due.


Had VSA Banh Uot event today and I think most of you saw my tragic promo...
LEGIT THOUGH it was so last minute cus I was supposed to promo like 2 days before... and I was trying to implement all those techniques we learnt at retreat: either use puns, fun facts or song lyrics !!#@%^*(&%$#@!
felt like a little child being reprimanded by my teacher

Turn out was pretty shit but food was good.

Went to WIE's Industry Mentoring Program tonight (IMP) to spectate how the program runs. This was prepping me to go out and find sponsors in the near future for WIE which I'm sooooooo hesitant to do. Bitch I can't even talk to people I've known for months without sweating. Please Riya stop thinking I have more potential than I actually do ffs. i love this keyboard holy shit.

this is so FUCKING GOOD.



Got my mman test and did bad again .. was sad for about an hour. Saw Lianus and Lulu at the library then had a mini dinner with them at Penny Lane WHICH IS SHIT BTW DON'T FUCKING GO our carbonara tasted sour and the base of our pizza was covered in this thick af layer of flour??
Went to my sister's chill birthday party at this bar "The Bank" in Newtown. Met some of her friends and her new 100% Australian Angus Beef Boyfriend. Apparently he thought I didn't like him cus I didn't laugh at his jokes. He was super nice though. 

Then went to Selina's birthday at Sanct. I saw Niina who was so gone she came up to me and was like "YOU'RE MY FAVOURITE BIOM BUDDY!!!" and I laughed. FD and Feng were there as well. I had 2 long islands and was so not lit but still had decent amount of fun. Little Amy Lim broke down in tears twice for no reason. I s2g Joanne hates me sometimes. Selina was missing from sanc because she was at Arisun so when she eventually came she was soooooo fucked. Then people fed her long islands and then... uh .... the night kinda ended HAAHAHA cus we all went to kae but ppl were waiting for her to go inside but she was chundering at meet fresh so kae didn't happen. sad reacs. 

Trained to ffld and ubered home....


Woke up too fucking early for netball day. It was a success but I got shit talked for being a dodgy ref by some teams HAHAHAHA. I was sooooooooo ceebs and called them out for the most random things like obstruction but didn't call stepping cus they were just stepping too much. They got pissed cus I kept blowing the whistle when they bounced the ball but bitch it aint basketball ok. I'm trying to not let things like this ~negatively affect me~ 
we had a unsw team but we were really really shit. 
Packed up, drove Andy to my house to chill before bonding later that night. Bonding got cancelled cus everyone was so deaded after 33 degree netball day so we had a cute PRs date at green peppercorn (Joanne, Viv, Phuc, Andy, Amy Lim + Precious from state team). Andy was so sick of our shit.

Andy, Precious and I bought some fat lambs and drank them in the alleyway cus we're too heavyweight to rely on drinks at the club.

Went to Michael Do's birthday party at Albions which was pretty dead because people were still recovering from Selina's the night before I guess. But most of unsw committee was there so everyone was chill and dancing. When we eventually left, we bumped into my cousin Yuan and Anna from Georges Hall who has fucking platinum dyed hair now fully converted LG I was so shook I hugged her cus I was drunk but idk she was making out with her boyfriend. 

train ride home was lit me and andy played the same song in our earphones and just kept dancing HAHAHA. 


Tutored Kevin, had homemade bibimbap for dinner and went to watch Kingsman Golden Circle which long story short was a fun mess!! 


Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)

Dir. Matthew Vaughn 
I hadn't watched/read any reviews of this movie beforehand or knew the overall ratings before going in which is very very rare but good cus I'm so easily swayed by other people's opinions. I loved the first movie it was so fun and action-packed with a pretty unique story and colourful characters.

Ehhhhhh this movie tried to replicate that by being really fucking random and most of the time it didn't work (e.g. ELTON JOHN, THE TRACKER IN THE VAGINA WHAT THE FUCK). Poppy was so underdeveloped like honestly she's just psychotic and Julianne Moore was trying so hard with what she was given I feel like 5 minutes into filming she realised "oh fuck I should not have said yes". Everyone was underused cus there were just too many characters. Channing Tatum had 3 lines, Jeff Bridges had 2 lines and Halle Berry was just there as set up for the next movie. SOPHIA COOKSON (ROXY) DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER??? 

It was a little longer than it needed to be and the action looked wayyyyyyyy too cgi most of the time. I dug all of Oberyn's lasso action tho . his rope was lit a f

what the fuckkkkkk


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