Friday 29 September 2017

GRWM: WIESoc Ball!!


Do you ever wish you could just absorb the mind of someone else just so you could understand what they were feeling??? Experiences are so highly personal I just want to know what others think of something I might love. herpy derp

Had WIE exec training. It was actually more useful than I thought it would be LOL. We wrote out 20 goals and had to narrow them down to 3 and mine were:
  1. Drink at least 1L of water every day 💦
  2. Get dem HDs
  3. Exercise
We're going to be held accountable for them LOL so we have a buddy and if we don't achieve our goals we get punished. I'll have to transfer Lizzie $10 every time I don't do the water one.

Made a LinkedIn account I will probably not look at again for another few years ffs. Took an awkward "professional" photo but I was on 5 hours of sleep so I kinda looked like a dried up fish. Had free lunch at Whitehouse using WIE money LMAO and they got this delicious smelling punch bowl but I drove to uni so I couldn't have any and I was sad. My wie fam are all really nice. Prez's goal is for us all to have internships by the end of next year... but BUT BUT I'm too lazy for that. 

I changed my blogger photo again. Who thinks I have too much time on my hands

most people at 4 am:
After training day, I was an uber driver cus I had like 2 hours to kill before meeting Amy. I drove lizzie and her friend to Bondi (got free krispy kreme donuts as payment!!!) then picked up the anus from Chatswood and drove home to Hurstville. Had yumm0 salmon for dinner then tutored Kevin and I was actually dying cus I was so tired. Then went home.

Damn showed my parents the Stronger trailer and I felt like crying :( Then it finished and my dad was like ... "those crazy Aladdins" ... like in reference to the terrorists behind the Boston bombings.
This is weird why are both my mechanics lecturers female??


Went to Arc Reaffiliation workshops which were completely useless. Just a lady reading off slides which were already printed out for us??

Went to Amy's house so she could make me pretty for my WIE ball. I kept rushing her but she did a v good job. Her mum did my hair cus we were running outta time HAHAHHere is a list of all the products used in case you want to recreate the look!
The ball was so tiny like there were 60 people there in total. It was soooooo boring at the beginning but then white people started getting litt off wine and actually used the dancefloor. After that it got pretty fun and Angel/Beryl/Lucy requested hardstyle and the white people tried to muzz and it was weird. 
My president got really really drunk and started telling everyone how she appreciated them.

Stephen and Amy drove to the city to pick Big Lucy and I up!!!


Sitting at Charlie Lovett with FD and Amy. Just had wayy tooo much food but the bacon + egg roll is still so yumm0


THIS DUDE IS A GENIUS. Listening to "I Get Overwhelmed" in the context of the scene in A Ghost Story makes my heart feel very weird things that it usually doesn't feel.


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