Monday 30 January 2017


Thank god Lion leaked I have so many new gifs now. Like these:
Though in the movie that scene was awkward af not gonna lie.


Thursday night had CNY dinner with townhouse. Nothing much happened just catch ups. Went to get donuts from KK afterwards because they had a special. Stomach fat rolls are growing bigger lmao.


Woke up and was too lazy to go anywhere...then Feng called and she was heading to Burwood so I finally decided to get off my ass and do something. Went to shop for some clothes and actually ended up buying stuff which never happens lmao. Feng always picks out good clothes. Had some cold Korean noodles and bulgogi beef stew for dinner before watching Split which was really good :)
Feng came home with me and we went to watch Chinese New Year fireworks with cousins! Ran into Roxie at the temple and I'm pretty sure I was taught by her friend once at Jimmys lmao. Here's some shitty photos. The firecrackers were extremely loud and incredibly close. (see what I did there)
I LOVE FIREWORKS OMFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG  THEY ARE SO LOUD AND BOOM BOOM yasss goodbye eyes and ears they make me feel so excited like the boom fully reverberates through your whole body 
Feng basically passed out when we got home HAHAHAHAHA I stopped talking to her for 5 mins then turned around and she was knocked out in my bed.


Woke up early af in the morning to take townhouse photos. Spot me being tired of this shit
 Ou est ma soeur? Elle retourne demain and I have to wake up at 6am to receive her from the airport...
Then I went to tutor hw class hehehe so easy so fun I love it and then went to Amy's Grandma's house to tutor Kevin but they were having their New Year's celebration so we couldn't really be bothered to tutor HAHAHA.

Some of her relatives gave me red pocket wtf?? They probs didn't want me to feel left out lmao. It was pretty fun. We went out to play with Stephen's drone and ride his bike. Drones are so cool. Felt like old times with my cousins when we would play together as well (which we haven't done in a while tbh). photo taken with drone
Then drove back to Amy's house with Kevin cus we needed to tutor. Came back saw that Serena Williams had won (good on her), ordered pizza, learnt some chemistry.
Forced Amy to watch Slumdog Millionaire but her net was stuffing up halfway so we fell asleep at 1 :(


Dropped Amy off at Bankstown, then went home to prep for tutoring. OMFG I SPENT SO LONG PREPPING TODAY CUS I HAD TO MAKE STUFF UP FOR THEM TO LEARN I HAVE NO LESSON PLANS LEFT LMAO. Taught them some quick division rules which I had never actually learnt myself LIKE WOW I KNOW HOW TO QUICKLY CHECK IF SOMETHING IS DIVISIBLE BY 7 NOW. Also made lesson plan for basic Pythagoras Theorem but didn't get up to it :(

Went home to find Amy in my house what an intruder omfg. Stephen came too, we ordered thai and ate whilst finishing Slumdog (also drank sugar cane yassssss). 

Had to change to retake CNY photos because some people missed out yesterday. We cute though. 
Amy tried to take photos of me playing piano but they will never see the light of day so you have to be satisfied with this one of me running away from her
Tennis makes me so anxious and upset. I am annoyed at Federer for always fucking doing this to me. Noah Fence I think Federer only wins when Nadal plays badly. omfg rip everyone rip its 5th set now 4-3 Federer and I cannot do this Nadal has defended 2 break points already come on fed omfg what the fuck was that literally what the fucking fuck OH MY FUCKING GOD THAT WAS FUCKING AMAZING HOLY SHIT ALL HOLY SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT FUARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR omg lmao that girl in Federer's box didn't even watch that point. oh my lord he just got the break 5-3 federer come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn I literally can't watch facking hell omfg federer why do you do this can you not YESSSSSSSSSSS ACEEEE YEHHHHHHHHHHH BOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 15-30 im dying goodbye ok nadal has 2 break points its a fucking NO from me OMGGGGGG ANOTHER FUCKING ACE GO GO GO GO GO OH LORD still 1 break point come on OOMG rip second serve allez OMG WHAT A FOREHAND FEDERER U R GOALS YALLAH HABIBIBIBIBI the tennis in set 5 is so much better lmao OMGGGGGGGGGG CHAMPIONSHIP POINT ALLEZ ALLEZ ALLEZ FEDERER PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE omg im gna cry COME THE FUCK ON OH FUCK second serve did you just double fault on championship point goodbye what are you doing please oh fuck that was so long FEDERER WHAT THE FUCK back to deuce IM SORRY MY VOCAB CONSISTS OF WHAT THE FUCK ONLY IM SORRY THATS THE ONLY WAY I FEEL RIGHT NOW oh lordy lord lord COME ON FEDERRRRRRRRRRERERERERERERERERER ER ERERER YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS WHAT A STAR ACE ACE ACE OK CHAMPIONSHIP POINT COME ON BOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I I II I I I II I I I I I I IAJDFLKJASVDJASDF;ASDFSDF;AWEF;LJAF;JLAWELJFAWLJEFKJLAWE;L ONLY 1 MORE TO GO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH MY GOD NADAL IS CHALLENGING COME ON OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUTOUTOUTOTU CHAMPINONSHIP POINT SITS ON THIS COME THE FUCK ION IM ACTUALLY CRYING GOODBYE DID YOU SEE HIS FACE OMFG IM SO HAPPY FOR HIM IM SO HAPPY FOR HIM IN CRYING SO MUCH OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG  ok i am calm lfuck me im so happy for him om he is so cute look at him omg it means so much to him i lvoe him jesus fucking christ he is so AADSFLKA;LFKJE;LKFJAW;LEKFJ I JUST CANT im so happy tbt when i cried cus he lost in olympics now i am crying out of happiness it has been so long since his last win rafa looks so salty why oh lord this kia guy's fucking accent HAHAHAHA kiss that trophy boi


TBT to when Jan and I went to AUS open in 2014 to watch Federer vs Nadal semi and we full painted our faces and made posters (and wore our red cross shirts) but he ended up losing in straight sets and it was so tragic lmao.
Also tbt to when I was religiously following Wimbledon in 2012 and he won I realise that that was actually 5 years ago now wow. 


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