Tuesday 24 January 2017

cute male quadraplegics

Did nothing today. Woke up at 12, got really excited about A Ghost Story, watched Moonlight, ate some Chinese dish that I don't know the name of, watched half of Dragon Tattoo again but this time with audio commentary, took a nap, ate dinner, watched Youtube videos, updated Tumblr cover, helped Amy with referencing, blogged. Now it is 4am. That's my typical day. 

Is it necrophilia if I'm dead inside

Youtube videos that don't advertise their videos properly like why do you not tell me the actors on the panel in the title. Don't just show me a thumbnail of Cate Blanchett and Todd Haynes and call it "Academy Conversations" how am I supposed to know that almost the whole cast and crew are being interviewed??? #boycottingyoutube #jokeitwascute 

That feel when you really like something but no one else wants to take the time or put in the effort to understand why you like that thing so much? I'm mostly thinking TV shows and movies tbh but also people's hobbies and all that (I have no hobbies and no personality so can't relate). 
Steve Carell I love and appreciate you thanks for such a good interview x 

I feel so invalidated when someone laughs it off or blankly refuses to give it a go BUT I LIKE IT SO MUCH. (lmao FD and The Affair, Amy and The 100)

My entire blog has become a chronicle of the movies I'm obsessed with. I don't really know why you guys read this anyway but if you are still with me, I'm going to separate my blog into two sections: normal stuff and movie stuff in case you aren't interested in the movie stuff but you are interested in ..... me? I honestly have no idea why you read this. But thank you for making me feel self important and giving me something to do in my spare time. 
Time to quit uni to become a film critic because I literally have no other interests besides sitting in front of a screen and observing the lives of other people.


Moonlight (2016)

"In moonlight, black boys look blue."

Dir. Berry Jenkins

Ok just watched Moonlight and I think it was pretty good??? I found it so trippy how you could have 3 different actors playing the same person at different stages of their life yet they feel completely the same???  The acting was fucking amazing from everyone.
 THIS WAS ONE OF MY FAVOURITE SCENES it was shot so beautifully *sobs* + music was so good and ugh everything
I didn't really know anything before going watching it except that the ratings were fucking apeshit and everyone's saying la la land vs moonlight for best picture. I liked this more than La La Land.
From imdb: A timeless story of human self-discovery and connection, Moonlight chronicles the life of a young black man from childhood to adulthood as he struggles to find his place in the world while growing up in a rough neighborhood of Miami.

Yes that's essentially what its about but its one of those movies that you have to watch alone in a dark room and think about....


A GHOST STORY GOT GOOD REVIEWS!!!!! YASSSSS DAVID LOWERY TAKE MY MONEY. Ok I just spoiled it a little for myself..... Rip. I WANT TO SEE THIS SO BAD its literally Casey Affleck under a bedsheet for the majority of the movie + Rooney Mara staring out of windows for extended periods of time AND EATING PIE TILL SHE VOMITS SDFGHJMUYOUOIJKLMBHCFTWER

David Lowery is directing a new Disney Peter Pan live-action reboot?? lmao pls don't cast a white girl as Tiger Lily this time

Also Lion is doing so well in Aus YAYAYYY so happy people are seeing this movie. I think because Australians really like Australian movies.

Wow everyone raving about Call Me By Your Name after its premiere.

stats say that the greatest number of entries to this blog is from google so I googled myself. Let's just say I am not very hard to find. also someone searched up "cute male quadriplegics" to get to my blog literally what


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