Saturday 14 January 2017

love forever love is free

I think I have found my home at tumblr. The darkness of the blue makes me feel like I'm tucked away in a little corner of the internet where no one can find me.

Twitter is too white.

Oh my god I have to be back at tutoring in less than 12 hours can someone take a fork and stab it into my eye so I don't have to go. Maybe I should crash my car tomorrow on the way to Cabra tnen convince everyone that it was an accident.

I'm procrastinating so hard just writing this blog post hahahah I have two selective papers to complete and a fucking mountain to mark can someone please end this

These fucking headlines what the
Mary has her priorities straight like oh Jesus is dying on the cross can I just have a quick smoke

fuck fuck fucking fuck fuckkkkkk you fuck fucking hell fucking tutoring fucking FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK fuCK

I guess its back to kinda depressed but not really Serina... holidays were good while they lasted. Summer of 2016/7 - thanks primarily for ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm an unattainable bae... amongst other things like beetroot hair, carol, david fincher, (basically a new appreciation for movies), no tan because I'm black enough and haven't been outside in a while and korean food.

I say this like the holidays are completely over but they really aren't I'm just working Saturdays and Sundays.....but that's enough stress and frustration for a lifetime. 

shit all

ok finally going to hit publish I have procrastinated for far too long

ps I have all the behind the scenes for Lion lined in up in my watch later I am so excited

The Aviator (2004)

Dir. Martin Scorsese. 
That was me watching this movie. Leonardo Dicaprio is so good in this but his character is a little like the guy he plays in Wolf of Wall Street. I was getting deja vu. Cate Blanchett was surreal as Katharine Hepburn (her voice was so so so crazy). 

It was 2 hrs and 50 mins long but didn't feel like it. Highly recommend if you have time to waste lmao. I feel like it was a technically perfect movie if you know what I mean like its so nice to look at and you can tell they put so much care into it. Kinda artsy sometimes as well.

The Big Short (2015)

Dir. Adam Mckay. 
I REALLY REALLY tried to keep up with this movie. But it lost me in the second half. Its about the financial crisis of 2007/2008 which I have absolutely no interest in, and I only watched it because Steve Carell talked about it on Actors on Actors and it was nominated for Best Picture (I know I am an Academy Award sheep). 

They do a good job of simplifying all the financial lingo by having random celebrities break the fourth wall and explain shit to you like there was Margot Robbie, Selena Gomez and a famous chef just talking directly to the camera. 

But yes I kinda got lost in the second half. I didn't know what was happening...I could only pick up if something good or bad happened lmao. I think subs would've helped. I picked up on the overall message of the movie tho: banks are fucked up liars


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