Saturday 7 January 2017

got my hurr did

So dyed my hair the other day. Just the bottom third reddish purple its like maroon. I don't really have photos of it and I ceebs taking any. Amy asked me what hairstyle I girl pls I should've replied with:
Literally she tried to consult me but I just said whatever UP TO YOU. So she chose purple tips but it was kinda lost in translation and the viet lady just dyed 1/3 of my hair.

 It took so fucking long holy shit I was sitting there inhaling ammonia for like over 2 hours BYE how do people do this on a regular basis. Amy dyed her roots as well. 
Read the entire Carol screenplay whilst waiting and they actually cut out a lot from the movie :( 
They didn't wash my hair properly afterwards so that the dye could like set in more??? Idk I washed my hair this morning and for my entire 20 minute shower, pink water was coming out of my head. I kept wringing it out and more pink would come out. 

Also screenplays aren't as detailed as I thought they would be like theres no explanation of the tone or way the actors should deliver the line. But how to write realistic dialogue? I never thought about this in high school. I kind of want to try doing English again because I feel like I have changed a lot but at the same time not really. Idk if I've shared this before (I probably have) but I love this yt channel, Channel Criswell, run by this guy with a Scottish accent. kinda sounds like Matthew Lewis. 
Did nothing yesterday. Literally nothing. I have much PR work to do and also need to get started on tutoring prep but so CEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEBS can someone make me not ceebs.

Woke up at the ungodly hour of 11am today to go out with Amy and Eugene. We went Lidcombe to eat some yummo Korean food at a place Eug and her fam go to. Then we had some delicious bingsoo IT WAS SERIOUSLY SO GOOD at Bakery Cafe Cael 10/10 would recommend. 

Driving is freedom. 

Doing some serious stalking and stumbled across this insta chick who has taken a photo with every fucking famous person ever with almost the same expression and camera angle every time.

Haven't been on twitter in so long its actually information overload.


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