Thursday 5 January 2017


Remember last year I wasn't allowed outside the house for New Year's so I sulked in the living room doing the entire puzzle I got my sister for her birthday? Because I do. I was so sad I was on the brink of tears and my parents felt so bad they offered to drive me all the way to Brighton-Le-Sands but I was like NO ITS TOO LATE and basically threw a grown-up tantrum. what a bratty shit.

Anyway, they learnt from that experience last year and let me out this year lol.

Drove over to Amy's house then met up with her and Stephen. We took train to Central, met up with Andrew then trekked by bus to Little Bay beach.

When we were walking towards the beach it was pitch black and totally silent and we had to keep stopping and starting because the sprinklers on the golf course kept turning on and we were all wet and alarm bells were going off in my head like wtf. me Stephen and Amy all wanted to go back to Brighton but we but fucking Andrew has no fear and he was like NO LET'S KEEP GOING!!!

So for some reason we listened to him and when we got closer to the beach there were still no lights but we could see campfires and families and stuff so it was all g.

We settled down and made our own campfire!! Stephen and I collected leaves/branches/rocks whilst Amy and Andrew danced and chanted around unlit the fire... We used sparklers to get it started and it took a bit of trial and error.
What the fuck is this gif

Then we got really really drunk like 10 minutes before midnight by downing vodka like literally downing it. 
 Can you see that Amy and Andrew have lost it?
Then at midnight we were all pretty gone and ran into the freezing cold water. No ragrats. I mean for no ragrats about 5 minutes. Lol we lit all the sprinklers up whilst we were standing in the water and chucked them into the sea when we were done which was very very irresponsible of us but we were drunk
Then I was too fucking cold so I stumbled back onto the beach to our campfire which had gone out and kinda warmed myself there over the embers. Then had a d&m with Stephen about many things that I mostly don't remember and never wish to find out. 
Apparently I blabbed about my crushes and I remember having a discussion with him about jealousy and relationships and I don't remember what else but he couldn't believe I didn't want to try something before I died and I was insistent that I did not HAHAHAHAHA. I have no idea what Amy and Andrew were doing in the sea but I think everyone had a pretty chill time.

I then cradled a hot rock from the campfire because I was too cold. I got about 20 mosquito bites down one leg and all over my back rip. Then couldn't stand up and chundered into the campfire. 
Amy tried to help me changed but I kept stepping onto my undies instead of into the holes. Then we got into an Uber and went home lol I kept singing in the car and telling Stephen to change the song cus it was shit but the driver never changed it. 

Got back to Amy's house and this is what she did whilst I was showering omfg. She is so funny when drunk jaysus. Chundered more in the shower and I saw black pearl chunks in it cus I had Gong Cha earlier that day. 
I'm getting really really sad that tutoring is approaching. 


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