Friday 2 June 2017

you go gal

Are you ready for some hot takes on how Wonder Woman is subverting the way women are traditionally portrayed in mainstream cinema as weak, two-dimensional beings waiting for the strong will of a man to save them and why this makes me SO FUCKING HAPPY?! Ok you're not really going to get that so chill. ((I really liked this movie though))

Wonder Woman (2017)

Dir. Patty Jenkins
more of this 10/10 gifset can be found here

YOOOOOOOOOOOOO this was really good. I watched Stuckmann's and Jeremy's reviews before watching the movie so like everything they said I was thinking about which was kinda ehhhhhh I hope I don't do that next time cus I'm so easily swayed by other people's opinions.

I think Gal Gadot did a good job!! Only criticism with her is that she kinda had the same pained expression a lot of the time and couldn't really emote some things like being attracted to Chris Pine's character? I completely disagree with Stephen and Amy who both thought that she needed to be a lot more jacked to make her character believable but imo it's not necessary because she's inherently OP ((she's a fucking GOD)) it doesn't matter if she has arms or not she's already born superior.
It is extremely refreshing to see a kick-ass female superhero. Even though the plot was nothing extremely creative I just felt like the movie itself was just so different because it was a chick saving the world?? I usually don't care about shit like this like I'm such a bad feminist... but idk I thought it was so cool and kids need to see some fucking representation. We literally had no good pure female live-action superheros when we were kids...I can't think of any. Holy shit we actually had none. I'm actually so confused wtf. 

If I saw this at the ripe old age of 8 I would've actually looked up to her so much instead of wondering why I was so tom-boyish wanting to be someone like Spiderman or a Jedi. I just wish there were more female superheros for young-uns to idolise.

This movie didn't really bash guys either though. Everyone was on a really equal foot like it wasn't screaming at you WOMEN WOMEN WOMEN!!! It was just chill cool guys help girls, girls help guys, Wonder Woman is a boss ass bitch and can kick all y'alls asses but nah its chill no biggie. 
All action scenes were good except for the very last one where it went a lil Bvs with two people just jumping through the air and colliding with each other in front of a big hazy backdrop - not a big fan of that. The slow-mo was fucking awesome albeit a lil overused but I didn't really mind. Also there was really really bad CGI at some points like SO FUCKING BAD (her jumping off the cliff at the beginning honestly it sounds simple how did they fuck that up?)
Villains were weak, none of them had backstory except for the main baddy and still then I really didn't understand/empathise with him. What was the point of Phantom of the Opera poison lady?

I really liked Chris Pine / his character in this omg what a lovable dude and they were so so so so cute together. Robin Wright was really good too even though she was in it for 10 mins. Ummm the secretary lady was fucking funny. Was feeling most of the side characters.
This might also be the first time that I haven't questioned costuming choices. Her armour is totally practical and not sexualising women at all so 10 points to the costume designer GG. If you think I'm being sarcastic I'm actually not like her skirt is so short but if you think about it you have more mobility in a short skirt than you would have in say a dress/pants.


LMAOOOOO YES JUST YES the more i think about this movie the more i like it

Edit: its been like 2 days since I saw this movie and I'm seriously so much more shooketh than I was before idk how that happens?? But like maybe cus I've been seeing so much love for this movie and it makes me really happy!!! Can't wait to watch it again with my fam hehe I think they'll like it. 


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