Thursday 1 June 2017


Finally listening to the Martin Garrix x Troye Sivan song. Chorus is kinda catchy but the rest is so eh. I rate the drop a 4/10 or a 2/5 because I don't want to lose marks for not simplifying my fractions.


WOOHOO my stupid MMAN2130 aka Tafe/manual labour course is finally over!! What a struggle that was. In retrospect with the knowledge I have now I reckon it would be such an easy course to get a HD in. ~~~what could've been~~~

Of course our pump didn't work and when we tried to fix it by taking apart the valves and cutting down the springs they already started packing up the test assemblies so we lost up to 10% of the course mark for that. 
behold our sad pump that will never ever ever ever blow up a balloon

Then as a group we went to the computer labs to START our 35% report the day it was due. I almost ALMOST started screaming at some of my team members I was that pissed off yesterday. So many things happened
  • this useless guy called Tommy (who has been useless the whole semester) was like a fucking CHILD he always came to me and asked me what he needed to do. I gave him the most simplistic tasks cus he's honestly incapable like
    • fill in the cover sheet
    • write some bullshit course feedback
    • change 2 words in one document
    • list advantages/disadvantages of manufacturing methods
  • when he finished those things he just sat there on his phone and took a lil nap like FUCK THIS SLEEPING BEAUTY THIS IS NOT THE TIME
  • then I was so done with him not doing anything so I told him to start Harvard referencing and just sent him the links AND YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE WHAT HE FUCKING DID
like what the fuck is that even
  • then he went home like 5 hours earlier than the rest of us cus I wasn't EXPLICITLY assigning him things to do cus everything he had done already had been fucking dogshit and I didn't trust him with anything else so yah he went home idk to maybe take another lil nap whilst we were all stressing 
  • this other piston guy had only finished half his part and it was due in like 30 mins and I was like what the fuck have you been doing the whole day. the piston guy also volunteered to order takeaway but he got me the most chilli thing on the menu and my lips were about to fall off (I appreciate him tho)
  • also I opened the dogshit biblio like 45 mins before it was due thinking I could just copy + paste it into the assignment but no I freaked and this other girl volunteered to re-write it ugh 
  • they were all fobs so their grammar was legit HORRENDOUS omg I can't and I didn't have time to edit so I submitted their nonsense

I went a little insane last night I was so close to losing it. Towards 12 am I was exhaling angrily everytime someone sent me more dogshit to add into the document and I kept asking them things and everytime they gave me an unsatisfactory answer I would just give them this wtf look and turn to Stephen and just sigh and glare. This is the first time I've been the carry in my whole uni life.

We gave useless Tommy 10% participation whilst we wrote 22.5% for ourselves and since he went home early he couldn't protest. WE FORGOT ABOUT THIS WHEN WE SENT THE FINISHED ASSIGNMENT IN THE GROUP CHAT SO LMAOOO LIKE AT 1AM I SAW THE LIL MESSENGER NOTIFS POP UP ON THE TOP OF MY PHONE FROM TOMMY LIKE
He legit sent it line by line like that AHAHAHA and no one has responded yet. I didn't want to seen his messages but I accidentally clicked the message shit well at least I can screenshot now
I have never been this savage in my entire life

also I couldn't go to VSA bonding cus I was stuck at uni doing the assignment. and i had to take an Uber to Central with Stephen cus no buses, then had to train to Lidcombe and get my dad to pick me up because no more trains to Carramar or FFLD. wot a day. On the bright side my dad got me a 3 for $3 meal in case I wasn't obese enough already

Feeling like I'm missing a part of me without my fidget spinner :( It makes waiting so much more fun.

legit scrolling tumblr for the first time in a while (a while being like 24 hours) and I see my own post pop up and I'm just like

Wow no more uni for a while now. Time goes so fast. I just had a math tute and an elec lab today. YES NO MORE ELEC LABS!!! but today we did logic gates which were really really easy. Got picked on during maths and I straight up was like... "uh i don't know". Not really dreading exams only ELEC :/

wonder woman reviews got me hella hyped 


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