Monday 14 September 2015

Badminton fail

Went to North Ryde for annual GBAS comp today and our team went in like "come on we have to win this time" after coming 2nd for like the last 2 years. Nek minnit we don't even come 2nd...I think we all weren't really concentrating at the beginning and that was the match that counted the most? Idk we were just so physically exhausted at the end and fully tabbouleh sad. My arms and back hurt as I type this. Here are some photos.

Catherine Cheng in yr 8 gave me this penis lolly that she got off an enemy team. It was too good to waste so I took a few snaps before eating it.
Thank you for the compliment. But lets be real everyone knows they are 5Mα11.
Then we lost.
but we still took a group photo. our whole team is yr12 so it was our last badminton comp together ever :( tfw when you 17 but look 70
The juniors (Anny, Michelle, Alice, Erica, Teresa & Deepa) won their division tho so we just chimed in their photo. their finals match was so intense omg it came down to the singles and both Deepa & Michelle played so well! 
Also my vice captaincy has ended and it went by so fast because I feel like I didn't even do anything. Oh wells. Also there are no more badminton trainings what am I going to do?? That is the end of my badminton related things. I'm so tired.

Also forgot to mention in Saturday's post that that was my last lesson of Jimmy. Idk what present to get him. How do you thank someone for tutoring you for like 9 years? Legit that's more than half my life. I would've been so dumb without Jimmy & wouldn't have made it into selective. HElp. Should I buy him alcohol? If he doesn't ask me to write one of those like "past students talk abt how great Jimmys is" I will be so cut. If you want to perv on 2014 jimmy results pls go ahead I think he revamped his website.

Can Alexander just stop and give me some of his smartness.
Parents took me out to eat at Burwood after badminton because I told them I needed cheering up LOL.

Then worked on muck up day durmstick costume which looks like a lightbulb atm. If it doesn't work out (hopefully it does) I will go back to being a troll doll!!

Ellie upload Shit Sydney Girls Say and its so funny omg.
And lol according to Sharon & Amy, Andrew is my most loyal blog reader. Hi Andrew. Hope you are ok. Pls reply in our OC reunion convo. 


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