Wednesday 30 September 2015

Amy's Sleepover

Went to sleep over at Amy's house on Monday because we needed to study phys and like ceebs going home from Hurstville when its so late.

I don't actually remember much of what happened in the past two days because I am running on 5 hours of sleep and too much coffee.

Anyway I got to hurstville station at like 10 or smth on Monday and I was supposed to meet Weipei to sell her my school skirt but she woke up late so I was standing outside coles like a hobo being like hallo I'm not a loner. Then feng came to wait with me because she is very nice / very bored and started talking about how FD wanted bread. Then Weipei bought my skirt, I met up with Amy then we took a mysterious bus to Kingsgrove. At first I thought maybe we were meeting Eugene but nope Amy was taking me to Stephen's house because yenno we were going to do so much studying there.

We woke up andrew who was sleeping on stephen's couch like a cat and then looked through stephen's netflix and started watching Borat. It was the most hilarious thing ever fuar and we didn't believe that it was all filmed without the ppl knowing that Borat was acting. We had already wasted half the day by then and then lol andrew and I were shooed out of the house like animals because Amy and Stephen wanted to play by themselves.

Before we left amy was like "don't trust andrew's navigation" but I was like w/e because its not like I knew how to get to Hurstville from stephen's house...........andrew said he knew how to get to hurstville so I trusted him and we just started walking straight down the main road. We were talking about school and stuff and how he will get 100 in all his hsc exams if he tries until I realise that its been 20 mins and we are still on the same road and I ask andrew if he knows where hes going but he says LOL no we have to turn somewhere but idk where I think it was a long time ago. Then he's like oh LOL I think we are in Bexley????????

I check google maps and we are 40 min walk away from hurstville.
Worst navigator ever. Then by chance we see the m41 to hurstville and hop on.

Eventually we make it to Charlie Lovett and I have a bomb-ass burger which has sultanas and is delicious. Amy met us at Charlie Lovett and I kind of forgot what happened after this we somehow ended up back at Amy's house and we make some nasty burger popin cookin that tastes like ass.

Amy's mum made bibimbap for dinner which was really yummy and she also made matcha souffle for dessert which was so good I ate 2. Then we had coffee which was yummy and I totally did not think coffee affected me until that night.

We started studying at 6 I think (legit wasted the whole day) until 4am ish just going thru astrophys and cross referencing out notes with like so many different sources. Then we went to bed (I WAS SO AWAKE I COULD'VE KEPT GOING but we were so so so bored) and watched some youtube videos. We also took some attractive selfies which are mostly on Amy's phone so I cant post.
except for this one which was too good to not send to myself
Woke up at 10 the next day, had some bread that amy's mum made that was kind of souffle ish that was also delicious. Then we studied for a bit and texted FD to tell her we were having lunch with them. Nek minnit they don't care about us and just eat first at the food court because they are penises. Amy and I bused to hurstville anyway and we were so sad because we had no friends. Then amy was like omg I bet you andrew is available because he always has nothing to do. She messages him and hes like YEH I'LL BE THERE IN A BIT.

Blah blah we had lunch at the korean place near library + stephen as well and then Amy, Andrew and I went back to Amy's house to "study" which involved Andrew trying to get us to listen to his dooge dooge music. Then he slept and we really wanted to make him pee with the warm water thing but he woke up before we even entered the room.
don't let his innocent sleeping face fool you he is actually satan with boobs
Amy's dad drove me home and now I am sitting here and its 1:20 and I'm so tired and I need to wake up early because turgid tina wants to meet at lib at the ungodly hour of 9:30am. Still have no finished my scholarship applications fk me. why do i even want to do mechatronic engineering can someone tell me why.


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