Friday 11 September 2015

Do you hear the people sing?

Jessica Feng when you die I will poop on your flowers will grow on it <3 We called like 10 people and no one has fallen for the eYES thing :((((

We had our yr12 muckup assembly today and it was sososososo fun. Idk I think for the first time I felt that our grade was really awesome to be able to pull off what we did. We did a flash mob of "Do You Hear the People Sing" from Les Miserables starting with Alison standing on her chair in the middle of assembly whisperin do you hear the people sing... then prefects ripping off their blouses revealing R15E HIGH t-shirts!! I kinda wish I was in the audience so I could see it :/ hopefully the school uploads the filmed version. The skits were fabulous and I could relate to all of them. The best part was when the shifty looking people opened their jackets to reveal chocolates omg. "We're All In This Together" turned out pretty well too but there was like no space on the stage so I got tangled in the curtains a lot. Awkward Serena. As usual.

We took lots of group photos afterwards. And it took very very very very long because people don't stop screaming and shouting over each other. (you know who you are you milky farts)
Photobombing goddess aka me
 Our damn group is so massive omg we look like an army division or smth
I showed my mum this photo and she was like are you trying to copy me
Westies (more like Bankstown line + Lu Lu who is too high class to go past Punchbowl and Wiley Park)
 Usually if I jig school I get an early leave note or just don't go to school at all so my parents don't get a text being likE UR  CHILD IS NOT AT SCHOOL SHE MIGHT BE DEAD but yeh jigged my first class today without explanation (phys w/ Mccrossin don't ask me why I haven't done it earlier) to chime & eat holy basil with Sharon, Crystal, Lok, Jan, Lucy, Tammy & Lulu who always have their frees together. As always the food was great & the people were swag.
Except for Sharon.
Then I needed to buy a planetarium for Mccrossin but I had no idea how to get to the Supa Centre Toys R Us so Jan happily agreed to be my navigator and get me there unscathed. NEK MINNIT SHE GETS US ON THE WRONG BUS AND THEN WE FINALLY GET OFF THE BUSS LIKE MILES AWAY FROM WHERE THE TOYS R US IS SO SHE GETS US LOST AND THEN ON ANOTHER BUS AND FINALLY WE GET THERE AND WE NEED TO PEE SO BADLY AND IT WAS JUST BAD.
Janette is sad about how bad her navigating skills are.
Shame. Shame. Shame. 
Finally got back to badminton only 10 minutes late!! Sharon didn't get my shoes from my locker so I had to swap with jan LOL. she went home in my boots oops. 
Even though it took us like 30 minutes longer than it was supposed to, we did end up getting the planetarium and making it back to badminton. SO TY JAN you are at times an ok tour guide. 

I need to eat dinner now. And we went through catholic engineering papers today and wtf they are so wtf couldn't do 50% of it. Sandy's state rank friend won't give his notes to me I have to buy them but ceebs.

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