Wednesday 23 September 2015

We're slow dancing in a burning room

John Mayer is so under appreciated why? he is talented af.
Watched Friends with Benefits it was so cute. Only about 4 years late. 
Oh and lol emma stone dumped Justin Timberlake at the beginning of the movie because he was late to John Mayer's concert and they missed a song. So many quoteable quotes in this movie.
Tina is queen fo reals breaking into school to get her pencil case back. 

Budding engineers doing robogals. Amy looks so unsure. Why. I really should be studying for engo rn. Its going so badly I know nothing.
THE BACHELORETTE IS SO GOOD HAHAHAHA guys are so much more chill and less bitchy than girls but that kinda makes it less entertaining because no one is being mean. Its so refreshing and not as tense. The model David is sooooo annoying omg hes so egotistical. Going for the British dude (he could be 007), football player and singer/guitar guy. 

Now I'm watching scream queens and its making me want to watch AHS.  Lea Michele is playing Rachel Berry 2.0. But it has funky cinematography. HAHAHAH JK ITS SO FUNNYY. Its seriously AHS x Glee with the weird horrorish stuff in a college setting. Basically I am watching everything when I should be studying. oops. going to do some maths so I don't feel like I'm doing nothing even tho I'm doing nothing. 

My graduation flowers are dying. just like my hsc.

My mum was trying to title her fb album "Happy 21st Birthday to our Little Cynthia Turned" and I was like uhhhhhhhhh that doesn't make sense. GO SCREAM QUEENS.

spoiler alert
What I learnt today: what causes pins and needles (constricted blood vessels so no blood supply & oxygen for ur nerves so you go all numb)

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