Friday 18 September 2015


My greatest fan Tina insists that I blog about graduation even though I don't really want to. Unlike most people in the Class of 2015 who are currently feeling a great sense of loss about leaving their high school & friends behind, I am so so so so so so so so totally ok. I won't miss Sydney Girls that much and here are some reasons why.

  1. I feel half connected to my grade because I only have a handful of close friends.
  2. None of my teachers even like me / I don't like them so won't miss them either.
  3. 100 Sydney Girls will go to UNSW so its not like I won't see them??
  4. Would be sadder if I never ever went back to sghs but we r srsly going back in 3 weeks and seeing the MPH again.
  5. Waking up half an hour earlier and getting home half an hour later than most of your friends stinks like cat shit + even worse when they rub it in.
  6. When u have a free period but get home at the same time as ur cousin who had a full day.
1 and 2 are like my fault because I'm so antisocial and unfriendly. 5 and 6 is my fault for putting down Sydney Girls as a selective choice. The only thing I have gained from Sydney Girls are the friends and the band 6 in English which I would've never gotten from CVHS. Oh and I have also learnt that I am socially inept and now find myself shying away from teachers, people I used to know and woolies staff because I am too terrified to talk to them. So yay happy days. Also I over analyse everything everyone says. Tbt to pre yr11 when I used to be able to talk to people without worrying about what to say next or when I blamed my awkwardness in conversation on the other person being too shy. 

Deborah (NSG) wrote a really long emotional post about graduating and how she was going to miss all the smiling faces in the hallways and stuff and I was like haha can't relate because no one smiles at me. Would post screenshots but she deactivated to concentrate on hsc (she's going to be the first person at jimmys to 99.95).

So I am one of the people in the minority who feel this way but just sayin... Here are some photos of me looking happy at graduation. 

CEEBS posting photos because already did on fb but here tina you can star on my depressing blog today.

Thanks for being the shining beacon of light in my life. No literally, you are so white you could pass as a cotton swab. 
Fuck you always look like a model can you osmosis some of that smth smth to me.
If you took cinq down to Bankstown he might get stabbed and not survive because he hates doctors so much.
 Peace out.


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