Wednesday 23 September 2015

I got a jar of dirt

So many people in our group have yet to experience the glory of Legolas and his perfect hair. And no fiona deng IT IS NOT BORING. but hey at least you gave it a go and I respect your opinion (kind of). some people hate if before even attempting to watch it??? like fk off m8 u r narrow minded af. it is 9 hours of adventure you need to see before you die.
I feel like I'm so open minded all the time but some people say no before they like even try to find out a lil bit about it. This doesn't only apply to movies btw. If you can recall a situation where I've been totally not open minded please let me know. Its annoying when you are really interested in something but other people are just like ew gross. 

Ok yeh just realised I do it with fd a lot oops like with her pugs. Also everyone makes fun of lulu and her biebs but she can't help who she likes. 

Or maybe I should just respect that some people don't like fantasy hmmmmmmmmm. but I cannot fathom how you can NOT like fantasy in the end its just a normal movie with a bit of fiction in the mix...its not like heavy metal which is so niche. real questions. how to be a person. how to be normal. i'm subconsciously inconsiderate but sometimes consciously inconsiderate.

Also I do not care about our environment enough I really should be caring more. But i recycle unlike the rest of my family. My mum came into my room shouting "CAN'T STAND THE SIGHT OF THIS", took my overflowing recycling box and dumped the contents (mostly Mcc physics notes) into the normal bin and I started screaming at her like wtf she is such a child sometimes. 

Watched the first 2 Pirates of the Caribbean movies over the past 2 days and lol the first one was so funny tbt to when Jack Sparrow was interesting and weird but not too weird. I used to watch 1 and 2 over and over again when I was younger and my love for potc has not died.
Also a few months ago I watched Bourne Ultimatum because I thought it was the first Bourne movie and I remember thinking it was so boring because he didn't know who he was and they never fully explained it so I was like ugh this moving is so lame wtf is going on and I also remember that this is when connie lianne and I had the LIANUS conversation where connie was telling me to stop watching the movie....then after going on wiki I realised I was watching the 3rd movie not the 1st.

So yeh that happened and I finally watched Bourne Identity today and it was very good. Will watch Bourne Supremacy tmr.

Did like 10 mins of engo study today. hahaha fked.

Am I arrogant? I'm a lil arrogant. I wonder if arrogant people know if they are being arrogant or if it is subconscious. Maybe I'm being arrogant right now I just don't know it.

These days I am like another person watching and evaluating everything I do. So if I'm talking to someone in my head I'm like hey that sounded strange or oh her tone of voice is weird or am I sounding too eager or depressed. Its the weirdest thing. So I can't have normal conversations because I will be observing the conversation instead of participating in WHILE I'M TALKING. Its so hard to explain. Idk if I used to do that. Feng thinks shes a sociopath and I thought I was one too a while ago but I concluded I wasn't but I forgot why.

Do you guys ever catch yourself thinking about that saying thats like "you learn something new everyday"? Well I do learn new things everyday so I might start ending my posts with w/e I learnt that day (spiritual/physical/metaphysical/self/existential/spontaneous/cultural/societal/political/ideological/planned/confronting/enlightening/environmental/ontological discoveries) but its probs going to be dumb stuff because trying to start studying for hsc.

What I learnt today: a refractory material is one that retains its strength at high temperatures (like refractory cements and stuff). Sorry its not profound.

Sorry my blog is so boring its more of a diary for myself so please unfollow if you don't want my mind poop.


  1. wow your blog posts are so insightful...
    (also serena you're very smart. will i ever stop saying this? no)
    (also i think we're all a little close minded and ignorant sometimes. our values and perspectives are shaped by our contexts blahblah segue into ModA LOL)

    sidenote i really like Pirates of the Caribbean!! i like 1 and 2 and 3 because basically i was just very invested in elizabeth and will's story so when their story was over i stopped paying full attention to the series lol. also i agree with the jack sparrow being cool and weird but not too weird thing. i just watched the 4th one recently and he kinda got weird and a bit ??????? also personally i do not dig jacksparrow x penelope cruz's character

    should i watch bourne series

    1. HAHAHAHAH ty for ur very long comment. dude you are so good at english wtf r u ok you sound so profound. and yeh sames did not like 4 because no will and elizabeth and don't ship penelope cruz with jack either

    2. and yes you should watch the bourne series
