Saturday 5 September 2015

UNSW Open Day

Woke up early ish to go to UNSW open day today. Feng and I met up with Kylie at central but when we went to The Eddy Avenue bus stop it was hectic af so we walked to the m50 one down the road where we ran into Big Lucy. She complained to us about being late to uni and gave us some life advice. She seems to not be hating her course too much rn so I have hope.

We couldn't find the yellow bags the whole day :( But we did get some free food including this yummy macadamia Messina ice cream, fairy floss and sausage sizzle. I really like the UNSW campus because everything seems to be quite compacted (even though Big Lucy says its not) and there are so many people we know so its more comforting. Can't make any new friends lol.

But there were actually so many sghs there and saw a couple of Carramar/Georges Hall/Jimmy people. Saw Sylvia and said hi but it was kinda awkward because she was standing with Clinton who I had not said hi to the whole year even though he was in my Peak class. But he said hi so it was not that bad. Our Georges Hall OC class is supposed to be organising a reunion but no one ever replies. Yes you madison.
Tbt to messaging Ms Ma about our jap test.
We went to biomed engo, civil engo and med sci lectures. They were all eh ~~ didn't really learn anything LOL. Feng, Kylie and I went to med lecture because we were bored. We spent the whole time messing around on snapchat and plaiting people's hair. We also messaged Alex from Kylie's skype with all this weird shit like oh you're yummy like russian chocolate and calling him alex HOTssain. Soz kylie its for you own good. Appreciate your wingwomen. 

Then we went back to central got hjs and just went home. I think the open day in general was kinda boring but still better than UTS. I need to start applying for scholarships..........BUT CEEBSSSSSSSSSSS BECAUSE I HAVE NO CO-CURRICULARS. My advice to people in yr 7-10 is to go tutoring and learn the skills you need for hsc but who cares if you do shit in school JUST JOIN CO-CURRICULARS. DO DUKE OF ED GOLD. DO SOME EXCHANGE PROGRAMS. GO TO SCIENCE CAMPS. IDK JUST DONT BE A POTATO LIKE ME OTHERWISE YOU'LL HAVE NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT ON UR SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION.  0 leadership qualities right here. Only 17 years old and I already have so many regrets in life. 

I just realised that someone who I thought was being really nice to me was actually using me LOL ha ha. Also have not done any work for 5 days in a row. What is hsc. Going to be so sad when Alexander state ranks and I do not.

I also think I don't have social anxiety its more like a fear of being unable to hold up a conversation. WHICH I TOTALLY CANNOT DO LIKE ITS 100% DEPENDENT ON THE OTHER PERSON CONTINUING THE CONVO OTHERWISE IT'LL JUST BE THIS DEAD SILENCE.


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