Saturday 19 September 2015

Cynthia's 21st Birthday Beach Party

Watching this vet pull a rock out of a dog's ass on Bondi vet hmm yum.

Went to my sister's 21st birthday at Coogee today. There were lots of last minute cancellations but there was still quite a big turn out thank buddha. And it didn't rain even though BOM said there was a 80% that it was going to. All her friends are so friendly and loud. We played beach volleyball and soccer and ate lots of bbq meat + food that we made yesterday.

Haven't done any work for over 2 weeks (since I finished engineering notes) lol what is hsc. I seriously wish I studied more and did better in English so I could've gotten that 99.90 Scientia Scholarship but that is impossible now :( Now I actually have to go to interviews and pretend I am normal. Oh fuck have to finish scholarship applications fml. Will do that some other time.....

So so so screwed for engineering I do not know where to begin studying D:


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