Tuesday 27 November 2018

cat is bored

a list of things i am missing:
  • Knockout
  • HTID
  • FOMO
  • Billie Eilish supporting Florence + The Machine
  • Amy Lim's Birthday Bash holy shizzz niizzzzzz it gonna be hectic

but its fine right I have my cat.............................. look at this dumb bish

Sunday Night

went over to cousin Amy's for chill drinks for her birthday!! was just me, her and Lo but it was nice catching up whilst tipsy hahaha. Had two soju bottles between three and left v satisfied. Went home and watched half of Carol again because after they get together its just lowkey depression until the very end.


So I woke up to a sweet sweet text from my boss telling me that the 3 HOUR EXAM I HAD TO WRITE was due tonight hahhahahahahha and then freaked tf out and started it......worked on it the whole day. 

took a break from 8:30 pm - 11 pm to go eat churros with my cousins @ San Churro Wetherill Park so cousin Amy could get her birthday special yeet. 

Churros were so good!! I got the classic milk chocolate hot chocolate and it was super yum but there was wayyyyy too much. should share next time. Nancy got the meringue one and it was yum but too sweet :( Tian got chamomile tea ya can't really go wrong with that lmao.
 Went home, did a lil bit of nothing before realising I was FUCKED so kept working on my exam. Slept at 4:30 woke up at 7:30 lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.


Finished doing the exam just before 1 pm and logged 15 hours for this exam HAHAHAH yeeT!! !!money!!! went back to check my google doc edit history to make sure I wasn't ripping off my boss hehehe. 

when the teacher tells u not to plagiarise

yes that galvanometer had a glo-up

omg I don't usually get excited for music videos but AKSJD;LAJSDL the teaser that Ariana posted for Thank U, Next??? i am so keen

took a nap today before going to tutor my kiddddd. Went home, dicked around on youtube for a while then came downstairs for dinz and suddenly it 11 pm? I need to start writing solutions for my exam LMAOOO

also need to do SO MUCH WIESOC STUFF holy fk im so STRESSED

feng and I just bought tickets to see the 1975 next year ehehe i feel so rich after working for a lil bit.

Sunday 25 November 2018

a star is born

cant pick a photo so here's all of them. She's the star. 

this blog post is a v long boi


Drove to uni to go to EWH's Toolkit party!!!! Got to uni a bit early so I went to get a Chatime but had to wait for them to open and when they did open .... they had no roasted milk tea or pearls smh. 

The coordinator was like "remember that you are going to Cambodia to work, it is not a holiday" O_O Both me and Yiyi's partner were away so we got paired with each other l m a o. We assembled our toolkits to take to Cambodia complete with soldering irons and a fucking transformer??? The people who were supervisors for the trip had a lil Q&A and it made me even more scared of dying. Then had pizza, met some people and then went homeeee

Cambodia Update #1

  • total cost of the trip so far with the scholarship is $3500 USD + $1400 AUD (flights) riperino 
  • working through the online registration rn but just paid off everything!!
  • need to get travel insurance, citibank card... lots of things :( 
  • need to get my malaria medicine but my doctor says I don't need rabies + jap encephalitis vaccinations :/ He just lazy to jab me i swear. 
Had WIESoc meeting where I was just being weird because I was bored


home?? idk what i did lmaooo


Had a online meeting with my directors in the morningggg then went to Amy's house where we had a day of funsies. Bought maccas and some scrolls from the Oregano Bakery. Cookies and Cream still so yum but Banoffee not that great.

Cleaned her room and did our nails. She did mine aquarium themed and I did hers ummmm pink themed?? Idk hahhaa. Watched Eighth Grade at the same time. IT WAS PREE GOOD but kinda weird ending.
We were exhausted afterwards cus it took like 2 hours. Stephen came over for a tiny bit and idk we just lazed around for a little bit before going to dinz at Sakura because I've wanted to try for ages but it wasn't that great. We got the grilled salmon and volcano sakura rolls. Grilled salmon was ehhhh too much seafood for me but volcano was pretty nice. The sauce was super yum. ALSO THE WORKERS WERE ALL VIET ... unauthentic
Went back to hers, chose the cutest photo of Oscar and we got tipsy on some yummmmm0 af moscato, watched Love Actually and then Amy did my makeup. I kinda just dirtied her face. also she'd never watched Love Actually before and like its one of my most beloved childhood movies so I kept getting pissed every time she said something bad about the movie


Drove Amy and Stephen to Centennial Park to watch Amy's equestrian lesson!!! Idk what I was expecting but it was kind of strange?? HAHAHHA to me it looked like Amy was just taking her horse around in circles but I know its so much harder than it looks.
I found a nice stray cat and patted it but these birds kept swooping at it so it hid under a car poor thing.
Whilst waiting for Amy to "tack up" her horse, Stephen and I went to Black Star Pastry to get some overpriced sausage roll and coffee. Then after the lesson was over we fed carrots to all the horses in the stable. Was lowkey scared at how big they were but they act like big doggos and are kinda cute.

ready to teach some maths! 
Then had breakfast at 22 Grams Cafe near uni. The chipotle scrambled eggs were sooooooooo good omg the first cafe I've been to that actually has good scrambled eggs that don't taste like mush. Then Stephen & Amy dropped me and the car off at uni.
Had some WIESoc thing where we had to talk to girls interviewing for their WIE scholarships and promote WIESoc. But it was mostly just like a social chill session. We sewed wallets and little earphone pouches hahha. Hung with Angela for most of the time whilst waiting for Niina and Yiyi to arrive. 

Then drove back to Niina's house, took a lil nap before heading out to tutoring. MY KID DIDN'T DO HIS HOMEWORK AGAIN AND OMFGGGGGGGGG got so mad at him like wtf whats the point of tutoring if you're not going to practice what you learnt ffs. Also drove for almost an hour to get there and was super stressed about being late... turns out the parent forgot about the lesson and was half an hour late O_O 

Then drove home, and was soooooooooo rushed to shower and change and errything. Headed out to city to meet Amy Lim and we went to Jumak to have dinz wtih a few of the old UNSW Team (hammill, nat dam, selz and daniel phu). Drank lots of soju, had a yummy bulgogi stew then walked to soju alley where majority of state team were drinking. chugged some watermelon soju and saw Brian Chan making out with a random chick lmaoooo. Then popo showed up and everyone split. Ended up in an alley with Nat Dam and Carmen and chugged so much soju.

showed up to Albions, had tiny puff of a cigarette with Kieran then went back to the party and it was getting soooooo lit. Had a few tequila shots with Bonnie HAHAHAHAH I feel like legit every VSA party I always end up drinking with her cus she's such an enabler.
Then went downstairs and Anto (who I properly met that night) shouted Jagerbombs and I got so so so so so so so so so drunk IT WAS OUT OF CONTROL. Also Anthony messaged me this morning and was like omg we went to the same primary school what the jesus

then phuc drove a few of us home :)))


Woke up so hungover and so SICK like stuffy nose, sore throat fml. Left to go city to meet Eugene, Amy and Stephen because we were celebrating Eugene finishing exams. Watched A Star is Born which was very very good (Stephen was sobbing, everyone in the cinema was like sniffling) then had lunch at Jumak.

Went to Pitt St to shop for a little, ran into Shumi?? So random hehe but she is a fully tabouli established adult now. Tried on some shorts but didn't love any of them so ceeebs but Stephen bought some nice pants and an iron man shirt.

Then headed to King's Cross for Miriams birthday which I wasn't going to go to but then I was like nothing better to do tbh and want to say hi to Niina and Brenda. It was kinda boring because didn't get lit but issa ok still had fun talking to Brenda and some of her HS friends. so I met two of her friends, Anna and Juliette THEY WERE BOTH SUPER NICE anyway turns out Anna was Niina's ex-best friend she was telling me about and it was a bit yikes

A Star is Born (2018)

Dir. Bradley Cooper
YA YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET SOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD HEHEHEHHHEHEHEH so sad everyone was trying so hard to not sob but then like stephen was actually dying he was cryin uncontrollably throughout the credits.

lady gaga so good i love her i hope she gets all the recognition she deserves

Eighth Grade (2018)

Dir. Bo Burnham
yoikes yoikes so much relate in this movie but also not really??

one scene is so nasty omfg ew

Monday 19 November 2018


Friday nightz

Wholesome af night with WIESoc bonding dinner. Went to Holy Basil and got lowkey annoyed again but its all g. Turned around and saw some asian that looked hella familiar and it was Ms Gunawan HAHAHAHAH. Also YASSS got my $8000 OS-HELP loan for Cambodia yeet I SHOULD REALLY PAY IT NOW HAHHAAH fk. 

Stayed and chatted about nothing for a while and then went home. When I got home I think I watched something? I don't really remember lmao. I actually miss being at home and like surfing the internet/blogging/netflixing without feeling guilty. JOKES I feel guilty there's so much WIESoc stuff to do that I'm too lazy to do. 

I'm Dipsy because I'm a Dipshit. 


Woke up early to go tutor my cousin Bianca in Concord West. Was super chill, her fam let me stay over and have lunch again hehe. Then drove home, filled up petrol and like 4 hours had already passed O_O 

Took a phat nap then went out to meet Squad for dinnerrrrr. We went to dodgy dumplings and brought out like all the soju that we had in our storage (11 bottles in total) HAHAHA. The restaurant waiters were standing behind us in a line staring us down after we were getting a bit too rowdy and also there was a line of people outside waiting for a table so we left and went to soju alley.

Having a good ol' time until the heckin' police showed up. Phuc, Yiyi and Niina were dumb and decided to run off so the police chased them, leaving Lizzie, Brenda and I to stroll casually away into Maccas. Yiyi and Niina had their details taken down and lmaooo they weren't allowed to be in the Town Hall area for 6 hours but we told them to  come Star Bar anyway.
On the way, we ran into Feng, Peggie and Mel like wdf?!?

But yeah, went to Star Bar and I think everyone was getting pretty sober so they all wanted to go home. I was ready to kick-ons so I went to Sanct with Feng, Peggie and Mel HAHAHAH and fkn lol everyone was so drunk like Mel was rolling on the floor and Peggie was so chatty. Danni Tao was also dereeeeee haven't seen her in a v long time.
Then Feng felt really sick so we went home and guess the fuck what I took the train and woke up at bloody Penrith sos. Had a lit conversation with my Uber driver and I tried the "tae ka" filipino phrase on him and he said it meant "you are poo" and I was so proud. We were just talking about travelling and like family heritage and stuff idk hahaha but then I got home and cried about how expensive the uber was. that's ok though I don't feel poor cus I got the 8k loan XD


Went to watch my mum's annual dancing show lmaooo. WAS SO BLOODY BORING except for the Shrek story they did this year which was super duper cute. When Fiona turned into a ogre at the wedding, they started playing Perfect by Ed Sheeran bruhhhh it was so cute
Went home, drove to Andy's house to pick us some deserts then got home, hung out with lil kids in my townhouse and took the train to city to meet Niina LagoOn.

got some pancake ice-cream sandwiches from the Doraemon place that I see in people's snaps. Actually pretty yummy!! 
The cake is so warm and the ice-cream is not too sweet. But mine had too much peanut butter in it :( the orange one is mango ice-cream wit peanut butter and the green one is matcha with red bean. the matcha one was super yummmmm
 then wandered killing time for about an hour (tried A Brand shorts wow so exxy) then went to Din Tai Fung cus Niina had never eaten real xiao long bao before like the first time she tried it was the night before at dodgy dumplings. Anyway so goooood and wasn't actually that expensive.
We were also feeling hella bougie and ordered one truffle xiao long bao each and it wasn't worth the $4.50 we paid for it but was still nice HAHAHAHA
Then watched the new Fantastic Beasts movie which was unnecessarily long but full review down below XD

Then went homeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and baited parents to get me the 2 quarter pounder meals for $9 deal hehehe. Ate it whilst watching Dynasty. 


today is monday and I am chilling at home after sleeping in what a time. Watching Dynasty, blogging, wrapping in my blanket on my couch sipping on my tea ahhh 

honestly need to start gaming otherwise ima be bored and go insane but fk ONLY have 1 month left before i leave for cambo :( 


Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald

Dir. David Yates
Went into this thinking it was going to be the shittest thing ever BUT y'alls I was surprised like it was actually pretty entertaining after the first half an hour. 

Plot is a bit fucked.... like literally I was so confused for so much of it but magic is magic and I'll always be shook at the spells and sets and the universe in general. There was too much set up again and like you know it'll pay off in the next movies but ceeeeeeeeebs I'm going to forget most of it by the time the next one comes out.

Would not recommend if you are not a Harry Potter fan though. 

Friday 16 November 2018

fuck with u for ∞

i confess that i'm only holding on by a thin thin thread


Phuc drove us up to uni, did Project work whilst Amy and Stephanie were studying!! 


Spent da whole day doing Project work finally finished the second exam yaYEET

Also started listening to Jhene Aiko and like can you just imagine how good it would be if you were high................................................

Decided to defrost some meat so I would be forced to cook dinner and I made Japanese Curry!! Made way too much and I thought my parents weren't eating so I called Selina over to help me eat it :) Eventually baited my parents to stay home and eat my home cooked dinner instead of eating out. I'm such a good chef XDDDD ((((but is it really cooking if you're using instant curry cubes))))

Then Phuc came over and we played Catan and Sushi Go. hehehe my first time winning and tbh could've finished the game so much earlier because I didn't know that i had enough points to win.
Then watched the pilot episode of Nikita AHAHAHAH and now I know why so many people liked it when they were in HS. so many aesthetically pleasing people.


Woke up at 6:30 am to go eat some cafe food by the Kirribilli Wharf @ Celcius Coffee Co. We got a bit lost cus we didn't know it was literally next to the ferry station. What a neat little spot though!! Day was a little gloomy but that ok because I had a golden person wit me xDDDDDD. Lizzie thought she was being bougie by ordering oysters and then the dish came and she realised it was oyster mushrooms not oysters what a head

I got a pork belly hotdog and it was like a solid 7/10. Nothin amazing. The meat could've been cooked better imo like it wasnt as juicy as I expected. Lizzie's mushrooms and cheese was so yum tho. 
there are two sides to every story.
...lmao sorry idk why I'm so cheesy today

Anyway then headed to university to give my shorts to Amy who didn't even wear them anyway >:( dicked around and wrote this blog post hahaha.

I really feel like my Photoshopping skills have glowed up 

Thoughts on The Bodyguard

was just talking to lizzie bout it and I realised I don't do movie/show reviews on my blog anymore and no one reads them anyway methinks BUT I want to remember what I thought about a show when I watched it in the past

I watched this because Amy told me to and like I was just super super bored after my exam on Tuesday. Went into it knowing nothing besides it had Robb Stark in it.

so so so sosososo ososososo goood AHHHHHHHH I loved how realistic it was at the beginning and it kinda became progressively more stupid but das ok cus by then I was already invested.

didn't ship main couple disgusting

this is such a beautiful youtube video

Wednesday 14 November 2018

shine a light

Sasha Sloan has finally delivered after previous weak singles "Faking It" and "Chasing Parties". This one is an absolute bop folks.
Serena is a dumb bitch
Can't let
Thot go


had tutoring in the morning, then picked up Niina and went to uni. She went to study with Ben and I stayed with Amy, Stephen and Eugene. Took a ONE HOUR BREAK to walk to Maccas and Chatime at some point and used Yiyi's staff discount hehehe. got the banging $8 for 18 nuggets and two large fries yes obesity and heart disease
watched like 12 hours of lectures kms

then drove Niina home and went homeee


Woke up after an 11 hour slumber, picked up Phuc, went to uni and study study study. Was a big party with Jo, Brenda, Phuc, Yiyi, Niina, Amy and Stephen. But lol concentrated so long was legit going crazy.

Phuc came back from his dick appointment and drove us home in my car lmao cus I was ceebs driving. 


was shaking after my large iced coffee what is new new new new new and then got another one O_O. met up with brenda and niina after their exam to get food and chill and make shitty flip book animations
studied for biom with el niino and then we went back to her house to keep studying but then at 11 we kinda gave up cus we were SO READY


Did the exam, so glad we didn't stress too mcuh about it cus it was pretty easy??

then went home and binged the entire Bodyguard series on Netflix oMG HOW FUCKING GOOD. but yeah when i went hoem my cat was so depressed and my mum said its because she was vomiting all of last night rippo :( 
also had a dream i drove fiona deng and another sghs in the year below home yesterday wtf O_O

Another cheeky plug for my meme page i updated it again :)  theres some good ones