was not going to go uni but ended up waking up at like 12 pm and dragging Amy Lim along with me.
worked on the project mechanics exam the entire day (and fuck lol I just realised I cracked the Project iPad screen fml have to get it replaced when I'm rich
stayed back with Selz and after she left I went to lib to find Niina and Yiyi but then turns out Eugene and Amy were in like room like right behind the curtain to them so i studied with them before i drove Eugene home and myself home. that was a super long sentence very sorry HAHAHAH but I can't really think atm.
Got to uni ready to spend da day studying with JESSICA and her baby hairs!!!!
was chill, caught up a lil bit but yeah I had to go prep for my director's meeting then actually run the director's meeting so like the whole day I did so little study.
Director meeting was fine!! I think I'm a really bad communicator like 95% of the time but thank god they are all nice and I think they are understanding of my retardedness. BUT YEAHHHH the one director who I was concerned about because she couldn't photoshop made like a super nice cover photo for IWD that blew me the fuck away
taught them how to do this glitch effect thing on photoshop (its pretty lame aye) and also taught them how to turn it into a countdown gif!!
then we went dinner at phoodle which was quite good but lowkey stressing out all the time because I have to be the talkative one in my group since everyone else so quiet like can u imagine I get so much anxiety when there is silencE
then went back to matsci to study a bit before giving up and driving feng home
woke up late, had to prep for my kid's tutoring, then tutored him then went straight to RL Grime's concert ya yeet.
Light Me Up
I'm coming back from the dream now.RL Grime was so gooooood I remember nothing except towards the end swaying and being so happy with Amy Lim HAHAHHA but AHHHHHHHHH such a good time <3
the two photos I took all night hahahah
Would defs go RL Grime again LEGIT bangers everywhere and the lights and shit UGHASDJF;ALSJKDFLAKSDJF SO GOOD
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