Wednesday, 7 November 2018

big dick energy

Study & Cousin Amy's Grad

Dalena drove us Amy Lim and I to uni hehehe but Amy Lim had a bit of a catastrophe before we left :'( 

Went to Cousin Amy's grad lmao first one from our VSA committee to graduate damn boiiii. saw her fam as well and Nancy just shook that she had so many friends ahahhaha. took many lame photos!! Now its just me and Yuan left :'( wE alll so old r i p
Then went to matsci to study with el niino. when she left I went up to mathews to study with VSA but didn't get much done cus they so chatty. 

king princess

ima fuck up my life

The difference between my photos and the professional photos HAHAHAAHHAHAHA
never seen so many gays in one room together holy fuck

She walked out and just yelled Y'ALLS LOOK LIKE LESBIANS. Actual concert was not bad!! but she only has like 6 songs and she played 3 of them then filled up the rest of the hour with random covers which no one knew O_O but she really good at performing live and like idk never really been to a concert where I could really hear the band instruments so that was cool. She was also drinking excessively and smoking her JUUL

joked with Selz that we should've just gone home after she sang 1950 and Talia lmao. She was a bit aggressive like she refused to play Pussy is God cus apparently she didn't know how to sing it well enough yet?? like wtf???

then went to Maccas afterwards and wanted to NECK MYSELF 

tenk amy lim for showing me this
What a b o p


woke up at 12 pm, showered, ate breakfast, then headed to uni and now trying to finish off the first "advanced mechanics" exam I have to write for Project fml

funny how a song you listened to during a really sad time brings back that pit in your stomach 


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