Friday, 29 September 2017

GRWM: WIESoc Ball!!


Do you ever wish you could just absorb the mind of someone else just so you could understand what they were feeling??? Experiences are so highly personal I just want to know what others think of something I might love. herpy derp

Had WIE exec training. It was actually more useful than I thought it would be LOL. We wrote out 20 goals and had to narrow them down to 3 and mine were:
  1. Drink at least 1L of water every day ๐Ÿ’ฆ
  2. Get dem HDs
  3. Exercise
We're going to be held accountable for them LOL so we have a buddy and if we don't achieve our goals we get punished. I'll have to transfer Lizzie $10 every time I don't do the water one.

Made a LinkedIn account I will probably not look at again for another few years ffs. Took an awkward "professional" photo but I was on 5 hours of sleep so I kinda looked like a dried up fish. Had free lunch at Whitehouse using WIE money LMAO and they got this delicious smelling punch bowl but I drove to uni so I couldn't have any and I was sad. My wie fam are all really nice. Prez's goal is for us all to have internships by the end of next year... but BUT BUT I'm too lazy for that. 

I changed my blogger photo again. Who thinks I have too much time on my hands

most people at 4 am:
After training day, I was an uber driver cus I had like 2 hours to kill before meeting Amy. I drove lizzie and her friend to Bondi (got free krispy kreme donuts as payment!!!) then picked up the anus from Chatswood and drove home to Hurstville. Had yumm0 salmon for dinner then tutored Kevin and I was actually dying cus I was so tired. Then went home.

Damn showed my parents the Stronger trailer and I felt like crying :( Then it finished and my dad was like ... "those crazy Aladdins" ... like in reference to the terrorists behind the Boston bombings.
This is weird why are both my mechanics lecturers female??


Went to Arc Reaffiliation workshops which were completely useless. Just a lady reading off slides which were already printed out for us??

Went to Amy's house so she could make me pretty for my WIE ball. I kept rushing her but she did a v good job. Her mum did my hair cus we were running outta time HAHAHHere is a list of all the products used in case you want to recreate the look!
The ball was so tiny like there were 60 people there in total. It was soooooo boring at the beginning but then white people started getting litt off wine and actually used the dancefloor. After that it got pretty fun and Angel/Beryl/Lucy requested hardstyle and the white people tried to muzz and it was weird. 
My president got really really drunk and started telling everyone how she appreciated them.

Stephen and Amy drove to the city to pick Big Lucy and I up!!!


Sitting at Charlie Lovett with FD and Amy. Just had wayy tooo much food but the bacon + egg roll is still so yumm0


THIS DUDE IS A GENIUS. Listening to "I Get Overwhelmed" in the context of the scene in A Ghost Story makes my heart feel very weird things that it usually doesn't feel.

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

HOLEsome bonding

Two posts in a row this must be me avoiding my responsibilities.

I legit don't think I've ever spent so long with VSA without alcohol involved.


Woke up too early today to train to Newtown with cousin Amy. Met up with the rest of the rowdy crowd outside Holey Moley which is opp Newton Performing Arts HS.
We went inside and whilst waiting for other people, took a lot of fucking photos.
creeping everywhere
Then played putt putt for like 2 hours it was actually so fun. There was this really hard hole to get (we all got it in like 5 shots) but then we were tryna teach Joanne who was the most useless one, to take a shortcut and flick it up and over the barrier and then she whacked it and it flew over and landed straight in the hole and we were all crying. 

Jo, Viv, Selz and I were the non-competitive team like we gave zero shits.
Then had lunch at fRango's at Petersham which was soooo worth. $11 for a huge burger, a large serving of chippies + a can of soft drink.
Some of us went to Dani's house to chill. Played uno, some other card games and Just Dance!! I finally got to use the skills I acquired over one summer when my dad bought us a wii.
Went to stratty to get bingsoo AGAIN such fat shits and then the conversation turned to some other not as wholesome topics eg rice purity test L M A O and everyone did it except me cus ceebs too innocent would probs get in the 90s. 

Amy Lim was talking about her relo problems and then I realised...I'm such a slimy person.


legitimately grateful on this monday night i decided to last minute write my application for vsa like now there's the illusion I actually have friends.

Monday, 25 September 2017

i found peace in your violence



Y'alls ever find yourself waking up at 3:30 pm after 11 hours of sleep? or dat just me? l m a o. Tutored my private kid yesterday who also happens to be my boss' daughter which is kinda weird??? I legit don't mind teaching her because she's so funny and blurts out random things when she's confused. Plus she actually does her hw.
Did nothing yesterday. Called my square box of friend whilst she did her essay and I played some guitar. Also did some quizzes that were due.


Had VSA Banh Uot event today and I think most of you saw my tragic promo...
LEGIT THOUGH it was so last minute cus I was supposed to promo like 2 days before... and I was trying to implement all those techniques we learnt at retreat: either use puns, fun facts or song lyrics !!#@%^*(&%$#@!
felt like a little child being reprimanded by my teacher

Turn out was pretty shit but food was good.

Went to WIE's Industry Mentoring Program tonight (IMP) to spectate how the program runs. This was prepping me to go out and find sponsors in the near future for WIE which I'm sooooooo hesitant to do. Bitch I can't even talk to people I've known for months without sweating. Please Riya stop thinking I have more potential than I actually do ffs. i love this keyboard holy shit.

this is so FUCKING GOOD.



Got my mman test and did bad again .. was sad for about an hour. Saw Lianus and Lulu at the library then had a mini dinner with them at Penny Lane WHICH IS SHIT BTW DON'T FUCKING GO our carbonara tasted sour and the base of our pizza was covered in this thick af layer of flour??
Went to my sister's chill birthday party at this bar "The Bank" in Newtown. Met some of her friends and her new 100% Australian Angus Beef Boyfriend. Apparently he thought I didn't like him cus I didn't laugh at his jokes. He was super nice though. 

Then went to Selina's birthday at Sanct. I saw Niina who was so gone she came up to me and was like "YOU'RE MY FAVOURITE BIOM BUDDY!!!" and I laughed. FD and Feng were there as well. I had 2 long islands and was so not lit but still had decent amount of fun. Little Amy Lim broke down in tears twice for no reason. I s2g Joanne hates me sometimes. Selina was missing from sanc because she was at Arisun so when she eventually came she was soooooo fucked. Then people fed her long islands and then... uh .... the night kinda ended HAAHAHA cus we all went to kae but ppl were waiting for her to go inside but she was chundering at meet fresh so kae didn't happen. sad reacs. 

Trained to ffld and ubered home....


Woke up too fucking early for netball day. It was a success but I got shit talked for being a dodgy ref by some teams HAHAHAHA. I was sooooooooo ceebs and called them out for the most random things like obstruction but didn't call stepping cus they were just stepping too much. They got pissed cus I kept blowing the whistle when they bounced the ball but bitch it aint basketball ok. I'm trying to not let things like this ~negatively affect me~ 
we had a unsw team but we were really really shit. 
Packed up, drove Andy to my house to chill before bonding later that night. Bonding got cancelled cus everyone was so deaded after 33 degree netball day so we had a cute PRs date at green peppercorn (Joanne, Viv, Phuc, Andy, Amy Lim + Precious from state team). Andy was so sick of our shit.

Andy, Precious and I bought some fat lambs and drank them in the alleyway cus we're too heavyweight to rely on drinks at the club.

Went to Michael Do's birthday party at Albions which was pretty dead because people were still recovering from Selina's the night before I guess. But most of unsw committee was there so everyone was chill and dancing. When we eventually left, we bumped into my cousin Yuan and Anna from Georges Hall who has fucking platinum dyed hair now fully converted LG I was so shook I hugged her cus I was drunk but idk she was making out with her boyfriend. 

train ride home was lit me and andy played the same song in our earphones and just kept dancing HAHAHA. 


Tutored Kevin, had homemade bibimbap for dinner and went to watch Kingsman Golden Circle which long story short was a fun mess!! 


Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)

Dir. Matthew Vaughn 
I hadn't watched/read any reviews of this movie beforehand or knew the overall ratings before going in which is very very rare but good cus I'm so easily swayed by other people's opinions. I loved the first movie it was so fun and action-packed with a pretty unique story and colourful characters.

Ehhhhhh this movie tried to replicate that by being really fucking random and most of the time it didn't work (e.g. ELTON JOHN, THE TRACKER IN THE VAGINA WHAT THE FUCK). Poppy was so underdeveloped like honestly she's just psychotic and Julianne Moore was trying so hard with what she was given I feel like 5 minutes into filming she realised "oh fuck I should not have said yes". Everyone was underused cus there were just too many characters. Channing Tatum had 3 lines, Jeff Bridges had 2 lines and Halle Berry was just there as set up for the next movie. SOPHIA COOKSON (ROXY) DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER??? 

It was a little longer than it needed to be and the action looked wayyyyyyyy too cgi most of the time. I dug all of Oberyn's lasso action tho . his rope was lit a f

what the fuckkkkkk

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

mama didn't raise no bITch


Women in Engo is so much more professional WHAT DID I GET MYSELF INTO. Had my first exec meeting yesterday and surprisingly I wasn't that intimidated by the old execs (except for Matt grrr I can feel his judgement). I really really like my president like she's so passionate about the society and that kind of leader that makes you want to do your best.

Anyways I'm so happy I went for the position L M A O because everyone on the team is actually so nice and I feel like I'm involved in something worthwhile. Even though Arc Delegate's role is very on/off, I have the chance to sit in on other people's meetings as well and just get more experience. I'm also still part of PR subcomm so I'm making some fucking mad af hype posts.
I realise I sound like such a fucking douche right now but may as well be positive for once in my life. Also this song is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good ugh
see that feeling I was feeling last blog post has completely dissipated. Humans are weird. 


Tuesday. Got my stats test and got 35.5/40 because I didn't study enough but also I did something really dumb. Also 17/20 for my MMAN lab report which is pree good I guess idk?

Then had BIOM where we had to form groups of 5 again for our assignment but usually we have 6 people so to decide who had to get kicked out we flipped a coin and had to call heads/tails. So stressful but I got to stay LMAO. I have Niina, Chris, Aoife and Jason :) There is a participation mark tho which is a lil stress. 

Parents were surprisingly chill about plebiscite lmao. I overheard them saying "I don't care about other people's sex lives" and my mum was like "yeah its human rights" or something?? I don't know its so weird cus usually they're making fun of The Gayson TV or in movies. 

A GHOST STORY IS OUTTTTTTTTT!! LIKE ON THE INTERNET!!! WATCH IT!! I'm falling in actual lust with the visuals in the movie. ughghghgh the first photo is so pretty i would cry if I wasn't already leaking fluid from my eyes

FINALLY have stuff to post on tumblr now. Its 3:43 am and I made 2 gifsets and I'm not even tired like I could keep going but.... I have to try to sleep before 5 am otherwise my sleep's gonna be fucked. 


IT (2017)

Dir. Andres Muschietti
The miniseries literally traumatised me as a child. I don't think you understand but it actually FUCKED ME UP for weeks. The night after I was forced to watch three scenes from IT for Year 6 English tutoring, I had a huge family party and I was just sitting at the dinner table replaying the "Hi Georgie" scene in my mind. My tutor at the time happened to also be my cousin's girlfriend so she was at the party too and I kept staring at the table and she told me to "stop thinking about it". That night I COULDN'T FUCKING SLEEP. I even went to my parents room and sandwiched myself between them but I kept looking at the door throughout the whole night and couldn't physically close my eyes. I think I slept like 2 hours? I believed that if I closed my eyes the clown would come.
The next few nights were very very bad. Once I remembered IT, it was game over. I would just stay awake with my eyes open for hours HAHAHA. The only way I could force myself to fall asleep was to close my eyes for 1 sec then open them, then challenge myself and go for 2 secs, then 3 secs until the thought that I would be killed eventually disappeared.  

I was a kid though so I was a lot more paranoid than I am now.

The new version didn't scare me as much as I thought it would??? Just heaps of jump scares. The clown got less scary as the movie went on. It has a lotta heart but at the same time it a little cheesy sometimes (I verbally muttered out lameeeeeeeeee at one point). All the actors were v good. UM THE GIRL ACTOR LOOKED SO MUCH LIKE AMY ADAMS. HI AMY ADAMS! did you get younger?! wow! 
The movie was lacking a particular wow factor. 

Goodnight y'all.
17/9 - 1,400 followers

Sunday, 17 September 2017

reshop, heda // ha im exec

holy fuck this is a long post idk what I'm saying anymore


Serena Luong, Queen of the Andals, Probably Not the First of Her Name

I was sooooooooo concerned about my upcoming math test that I actually studied at Amy's house for the first time in forever. She was bored so I allowed her to be my hairstylist for a night but she had nothing to use besides 2 hairties so she had to be very resourceful. For Sansa's bun she used the arched part of a pair of headphones and covered it in socks so the hair would stick better. Top tips from a top hair stylist. 



As you may or may not know, I was thinking of running for Arc Delegate for Women in Engo only because I was pretty sure no one else on the existing committee was running for it and I'm a sucker for freebies. The thing with WIE though, is that there isn't a lot of loyalty so if you're a random popular person, as long as you bring enough friends with you, you have a chance of getting the position.

I was getting pretty nervous the closer it got to 6 pm and I was on 4 hours of sleep too. Anyways I got to CLB with my primary campaign managers, Amy and Stephen, and a LOT of people were there... like around 40. I still had no idea whether I was running against anyone???  I was being a lil awkward turtle as I always am and was asking people what positions they were going for. Most people had speeches or at least a general outline of what they were going to say but I was planning on winging i get very stressed.

Anyway, we all went in to the lecture theatre and my heart was beating so fast I was going to die. Saw on the slideshow that there was 1 other person running against me (Linda??) and my heart dropped when Nancy Z said Linda was Arc Delegate for Engsoc the previous year so dis bitch got so much more experience than me. I sat next to Nancy Z and Lizzie who were both going for positions and Lizzie got so stressed she lost her voice.

Thank jesus Arc Delegate is the most rubbish position so it was voted on last. I madly wrote a speech on my phone whilst the other people were doing their speeches. I was happy about everyone who got voted in except for VP Events cus Nancy Z lost to some chick from Engsoc? HAHA I'm such a bitch I'm going to have to work with her for the next year ffs.

Apparently Stephen listened intently to all the speeches and by the end of the night he knew like everyone's name and what positions they were going for L M A O.

Arc Delegate candidates got called out to the front so I went up and I was so confused because the other chick was a no show?? Guy started being like "I'll run against her!!!" cus Arc has a rule that says if you're uncontested for a position, someone else MUST get up and run against you. But no this OTHER candidate called Emma reluctantly got up as well.

I did my speech and I was shaking SO FUCKING MUCH like I'm pretty sure the people in first 5 rows were like fuck she needs a Parkinson's spoon but for her whole body.
I didn't want to just read off my phone like I wanted to CONNECT yenno so I started blabbing and going off on tangents. I dug myself into a hole when I started talking about how I learnt a lot about photoshopping as a Marketing Subcomm member but in my head I was like SHUT THE FUCK UP THIS IS ARC DELEGATE NOT FUCKING MARKETING VICE PREZ so I was like "that has nothing to do with this position at all" and probably did some awkward hand actions I don't even remember now BUT PEOPLE LAUGHED!!!! and I was happy. Anyway I finished off my speech with something like "I'm really hardworking so pls vote for me!!"
I got the position. Mostly because more people in that room knew me from subcomm tho HAHAHA. Rip because the Emma chick's speech was so professional and she listed all her achievements and shit. The exec team is actually all female this time???
Was ded af and had dinner with Amy + Stephen at this Jap place called Miso in World Square. It was really yummy :0


uni thingos

My numerical methods test was basically identical to the past papers so thank jesus otherwise I would've been completely fucked. It's up there as one of the tests I've been least prepared for. 

After my test, Stephen and I started Checkpoint #2 for our Mechatronics assignment. I made a car that could be steered!! ! It wasn't as painful as last week lmao shit mostly worked on the first go. 


Then went to Bankstown with Amy + Stephen with the sweet promise that the pressure of my eyeballs would be checked but when we got there the instrument wasn't working L M A O so I was about to go home when I got a text from lil Amy Lim asking if I wanted to get dinner + buy 1 get 1 free Gong Cha with Phuccboi. 

Met them at the new Ngo and Sons which looks so fucking nice like they have all these nice paintings on the wall and the lobby area is soooo open. Felt like an imposter sitting behind the reception desk HAHAHA. Had La Grilla which was was fucking expensive like WOW I wasn't even full. Then went to Gong Cha and the line was so fucken long but we thought it would maybe take an hour max? NEk minnit 3 HOURS LATER still waiting for our drinks.
@ Gong Cha
I met some of Phuc's Pats boys and wow... just wow... so fucking rowdy. Played with Precious' doggos. I got soooo impatient towards the end like I sighed so loudly when people looked like they were having fun because as far as I was concerned there was no more happiness in the world.

Other things


Tara got out.. .what did I fucking say? So triggered after that episode ugh. Laura had that "instant connection" with Matty during their first date.

Tara deserves all the happiness in the world ffs she's so nice.

I didn't watch the Bachelor Finale cus of AGM lol but I swear the winner is always the one that makes the best first impression. Snezana, Sasha, Alex, Lee... now Laura?? Like I ended up liking the runner up more in the end though??

The Girl in the Spider's Web

*here I go again so the door is that way I apologise in advance*

Claire Foy is officially (like CONFIRMEDthe NEW Lisbeth Salander. There were so many rumours and I won't be over it until I watch the movie, but at least people can stop fucking talking about it now. Jokes its going to be brought up in so many interviews when the movie comes out. I have nothing against her... 
I feel like it's such an understandable career move to take on this role but also Claire's kinda gotta have some mad ambition if she thinks she can do a better job. 

On the bright side I have Vogue and anOther??

She hates small talk. “I either want no conversation or ‘Let’s talk about your failing marriage,’ ” she says.

The 100

Finished Season 3 on Wednesday but taking a break until Lizzie gets up to season 4 too because it was honestly ruining my life. 
OK FUCK another night ruined by looking at The 100 gifs fml like everytime I have this feeling of being completely overwhelmed by something so aesthetically pleasing I'm so shooketh but then tomorrow I'll wake up and pretend it never happened like it was in the past or some shit???????? I'M IN A TRANCE i don't even want to finish this post. 

Mind Diarrhoea

I feel like I'm living my teenage years as they were meant to be lived.. but only doing that now.

I've been knocked down by you
and you got my heart now
why won't you stop now
knocked down

I like to imagine in a few hundred years, after Earth has become some uninhabitable wasteland, someone coming along and excavating my hard-drive which has been trapped in a rock or something and finding all my gifs and being like wow this person was really obsessed with a clones or hmm what is all this nonsense code about Xbox controllers. I wonder what my legacy will be. 

continues to have heart broken at 3am by gifs fuck those raccoon eyes u g h
same ... like really same ... 

AHAHHA i got tagged in a tumblr tag thing by one of the orphan black blogs I follow like hello did u even know i existed but its a "10 songs you're currently into" and I can't really do it because all I've been listening to is Khalid.

One day I will share this tumblr post that was so relatable I literally choked when I saw it. Like spit went down the wrong tube and I had to cough to make it come back out.


To The Bone ๐Ÿ–๐Ÿ–๐Ÿ–

Dir. Marti Noxon
I feel like I haven't reviewed a movie in SOOOOOOOO long

Ummm I actually quite liked this HAHAHA I felt it got a little too weird/artsy towards the end with the whole hallucinating on the rocks kinda thing and FFS the male love interest was so fucking annoying most of the time but yo it was ok

I think people are hypercritical of how movies portray mental illnesses. Movies take liberties with history all the time and no one says jack all...but when To The Bone ends hopefully (like the whole movie was fucking bleak as shit but there's a sliver of hope at the end) people accuse it of sugar-coating anorexia?? like binch it's a fucking movie if I wanted to see what anorexia is actually like I'd go visit a hospital.

why do ppl always have shit to complain about

plus lily collins AND the director have both suffered with anorexia and if you're discrediting the film's portrayal of the disease you're basically discrediting their own experiences which is fucking offensive

so yes I do believe there was a lot of heart that went into this movie even though the final product feels a little formulaic (plot was predictable, "emotional scenes" didn't all work, NOT SOLD on Keanu Reeves in this??) but fuck it... it's a good time.