Formal was on Monday night.
Kylie, Fiona, Feng and I went to a place in Cabra to get our hair and makeup done. The woman did it so quickly and it was ok. Except we all kinda looked the same at the end HAHAHAHA Feng kept complaining she looked so Chinese whilst Kylie was like omg I'm so Korean. But they all looked like princesses.
WHEN YOUR MUM TELLS U TO POSE FOR PHOTOS. The hand would usually be a rude finger but you can't exactly flip off your parents.
Father was kinda nice and didn't complain that much about driving us to formal
Squad on point except for Fd whose eyes are on slit.
Pres at the Star
MELBOURNE CREW. Feng pls put ur foot away/
Nancy Z
The actual formal was way better than yr10. The music was gr8 and my heels weren't that uncomfortable. Innie got stabbed in the foot by a needle :( The food was ok ~~~
the cooler table
Feng and I won class clowns but we haven't even had a class together since year 10. Waiting for the official photographer to post pics before I can post them here.
We went for a late night maccas run to darling harbour maccas. It was such a trek and when we got there it was fucking closed. Sign said it closed at 1am and we got there at 1:17am. sad lyf.
We went back to the hotel but super lame over 18s wouldn't buy us alcohol whilst everyone else was partying and getting drunk we were just chilling on our phones.
Me finding out I couldn't get drunk.
Some people were playing cards against humanity but I've played it too many times so its not really fun anymore. Melbourne crew slept in the living room "bcus we were used to the slum conditions". Joyce made a makeshift bed from chairs and it was so strange. She insisted it was comfortable tho. Meanwhile FD and I had a shitty sleep bcus the only blankets we had were towels so our legs were so cold throughout the entire night.
I couldn't sleep because I drank tea so I ended up watching Youtube videos until 4am. Sometime in the night I walked out the hotel room to look down the hallway then the door closed behind me and I was locked out. I had to call Lulu to open it HAHAHA oops.
The next day (Tuesday) everyone except for innie got up at 8ish. I was so tired. We left to get some Maccas for brek + starbucks then decided to go to Brighton Beach. It was really nice beach weather. We waded around in the shallow water because no one had clothes to change into. Then we had a bitch session.
Feng taking photos of me fixing my bra???
Sharon da model
Burnt like bacon
finding hermit crabs
At this point I still had not showered. Had remnants of formal makeup and hairspray in my hair. After the beach I had sand up my nostrils and my ears. I was so nasty.
Then I went to Die Hard Paintball in Turrella for the Georges Hall reunion lmao. I only had a strapless bra so I told Amy to bring me one. This is what she brought. I was wearing a pretty thin white shirt as well far out.
I was so excited to play paintball. I had always wanted to do it because it sounded so fun. NEK MINNIT.
The first time I got shot I was like FUCK. I held my thigh and hobbled back to my respawn point swearing the whole way back. It was so painful. Then I got shot 3 more times in the same fucking round because I was so noob. The one that hurt the most was the one on my hairline/forehead. When the person shot me my head recoiled and I thought I was going to get a concussion. After the first round I was more careful because I never wanted to be shot ever again. So I mostly stayed in the same spot, hid and shot occasionally.
Madison was so good at tactics and stuff I think our team won almost every single game. Even though I didn't help.
Our instructor was so crude. He was telling the boys to buy crotch protection because the last time he was shot there his penis was bruised for 3 weeks and he couldn't cum. He was also so crazy like a totalitarian dictator. Clintoris broke a rule by taking his mask off on the field so the instructor shot him in the same butt cheek 5 times. Then Andrew did the same thing except he was just a few metres out from the safe zone. The instructor made us each shoot him once in the back/butt which was a total of 10 times. Poor child. His bruises kinda look like nipples.
Amy was like "OMG IT WAS SO FUN" and I was like "NEVER DOING THAT EVER AGAIN".
Anto got shot in the eyebrow and it looked so horrifying. He has his formal today HAHAHAHA. We played mafia afterwards and it took us about half an hour to even get started. It was so fail everyone kept getting the roles mixed up.
No one has changed.
The year 6s of 5/6L minus a couple of people. Eric came but he left early.
RIP if you read this post using data. I have wasted so much money over the past few weeks its time to stop going out and work.