Tuesday 17 November 2015

still partly unemployed

Got an interview for a scholarship but going to fail because I feel the nerves and awkwardness coming along already. After all do I really have a passion for engineering??? The interviewers will know better than me.

I watched Particle Fever yesterday and would highly recommend for everyone - not just people who like physics. I kinda dislike physics and I liked it. Its a documentary about the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva and how thousands of scientists from around the world somehow collaborated to build the "largest single machine in the world". The purpose of the machine was to bash particles together to observe whether the Higgs Boson existed or not. It kinda gets emotional at the end which is so weird because people are crying over physics but yeh some of them have dedicated 30+ years of their life to theories which may or may not be true. One of the physicists reminded me of Ms Mccrossin.
Got back to work on Melbourne video because I finally googled how to make my video editor stop lagging -.-

Watched Saving Private Ryan and tbh it was kinda boring...I liked the story and everything but it was really slow paced. Maybe that's just me.


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