Friday 27 November 2015

mixed signals

Went to Coogee for Ivy's birthday party today!! Met up with fd the egg at Central then took half an hour bus to the beach. We thought everyone was going to be there already because we were already late but no. We arrived after applying sunscreen and hiding in the shade to find that Ivy was not even there yet.

There was so much food it was great. We ate some roll things and they were really filling. Ivy's dad was so nice and cooked all the meat for us.

FD, Jusmin, Innie and I went down to the beach pretty early because we were sitting around waiting for meat. We went to the actual beach first and no one wanted to go in because no one brought swimwear except for me. But eventually the 36 degree weather forced them to get into the water. Jks they probably were just soooooooooooo envious of all the fun I was having. The waves were so craxy. If they broke right where you were, you got pummelled to the ground. So you had to go deeper for it to be safer and hurt less??? Idk it was just a giant salty wave pool that was at times slightly life threatening. IT WAS SO FUN.

We also swam in the little "pool" area that isnt a pool but there were no waves so it was all good. The floor was covered in seaweed and it took so long to get used to.

Had to leave early to go to Peak poo poo. left coogee at 3 and arrived at peak at 4:51 HAHAHAAHHA what a trek. I marked some year 12 phys exams and laughed because I would not even know how to answer some of them. But I have marking criteria so it is ok. Also I think marking actually helps you learn so much :O

Update: receptionist lady was not mean to me today. she didn't give me any withering looks and I think she asked me in a normal tone what I was going to do today instead of sighing and just pointing at things. also she offered me a donut at the end of my shift which I said no to.

I think I've made it.

I asked a guy in fourth year uni whether he just finished his hsc lol. hopefully he took it as a compliment.


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