Wednesday 25 November 2015

Jessica Jones

Watched season 1 of Jessica Jones in 2 days (honestly could've finished it in one if I didn't have peak). Its so good. Jessica Jones is basically a super badass alcoholic who has super strength. She spends the whole season trying to take down David Tennant who can tell anyone to do anything. I love it. Its pretty refreshing compared to the campy cw/abc superhero shows. There are so many gruesome deaths (INVOLVING BLENDERS AND WINE GLASSES). WATCH IT. The lawyer in it sucks tho I kept thinking if Annalise was in this show no one would have legal problems.

Also caught up with How To Get Away With Murder and TSUNEICKSKSK EVERYTHING IS SO FUCKED. The cliffhangers are so good like I could not stop watching. Please come out faster. Also can everyone stop lying????

I missed a call from a private number today. They never called back. What if it was a potential employee. Fml.

Shitting myself about interview tmr hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaha

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god haha I did the exact same thing as you and finished Jessica Jones in 2 days haha it's so good!! WATCH DAREDEVIL lolol the lawyer is legit a brunette Claire Underwood from hoc. Good luck for interview serpoopie!!
