Sunday 15 November 2015

compiling year 12 videos

Justin Bieber's Purpose is so good. I was too ceebs to do anything today so made a video. Prepare for shaky camera work, vertical filming and lots of candid laughing.
I talk lots of shit. Like "I need to get a job omg" but not being bothered to get out and find one.

I had the most fucked up dream. It was Halloween and everyone I had ever known were seated in a hall. Jason from GHPS let me inside the hall. They were all dressed up with face paint and errything. Then we started to play this game where you had to kill everyone you saw. Feng and I were initially working together and we looked around to find weapons but all we could find were metallic chopsticks so we grabbed them anyway. Then we faced off with Fip, Tammy and Lulu and we killed them by stabbing them with the chopsticks. I remember there was lots of resistance in their flesh. Now I think about it was kinda like chicken textured. After that Feng disappeared and I had somehow acquired a knife. I was so pro everyone tried to chop me but I was so fast and killed all my opponents. I distinctly remember rushing into one of the science rooms and Ms Mahmic was laughing at all of us trying to kill each other. My dream ended with me about to stab a little kid in the eyeball after I had killed all his friends. I remember I had some humanity though because I was about to decapitate one but I feared he would have a difficult recovery so I just sliced his stomach.
What my dream is telling me:
  • I am very violent and want to kill everyone I know
  • Feng will always be my accomplice
  • I have hesitations about decapitating children
  • I have a preference for metallic chopsticks (or Korean food you can take this both ways)
  • Jason and Ms Mahmic have both had a great impact on my life??????
  • I am destined to reside in science labs 
  • Everyone in my life is fake / hiding behind a mask
Learning how to code HTML via Codeacademy.

Ronda Roussey lost. No one is invincible.

And the NEWWWW!!!!!
Posted by Dan "Hangman" Hooker on Saturday, November 14, 2015
I was so happy for 1 sec and then I was like wait I'm not supposed to be this happy, Then I remembered I haven't found another job and now I am sad again. I feel like Chuck in that ep where he was unemployed and just sat at home eating cheeseballs all day.



  2. ur blog is my fav omg i love reading it so much ha. i have so much to say but lol you probably won't read a long ass comment so here is my response to this blog post in dot points:

    1. congrats on scholarship interview! :) hope you smash it hoho
    2. cute vid i like it very much
    2. cute dream, nice to know i died
    3. yes omg holly holm is so hectic. that kick though. also ronda's split lip though. she finally lost, no one is invincible indeed. kinda makes all the pre-fight press very ironic lol since ronda was so confident and stuff. also their weigh in was just a little bit hecticcc like wow catfight
    4. don't worry i don't have a job at all at the moment, i feel your struggle

    anyhow good luck with your interview once again! although i'll be seeing you at Jan's so I'll probably have the chance to say it to you once more lol
