Wednesday 25 November 2015

Failed Scholarship Interview

soooooooooooooooooooooooo yeh

My buddy was super nice and took me on a uni tour. There's so much food and stuff at unsw. Kind of excited for uni because of all the food LOL. BUT SUCH A TREK. she gave me advice about uni timetables and stuff SO HOPEFULLY I WILL SURVIVE. also, I want to move out but have no money and don't want to leave my parents.

Apparently you can get free eye checks on campus from optom students. You're their guinea pigs and they do all these tests on you that you normally wouldn't get at a legit optom. They're supervised by more senior people so its totes safe.

Actual interview was a disaster. I was so flustered the whole time and I did not sound genuine in any of my responses because I was so damn flustered HAHAHAHAHA I was actually sweating in my chair. The committee people were staring into my soul. Also it was kind of a repeat of my KFC job interview because they asked me if I had any questions and I didn't so I asked something so so so so so so so so so so so so stupid the guy was kinda looking at me like???????????
Also I missed a call from a private number yesterday. It could've been a prospective employer. SO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH unemployed and without scholarship rn.

Life is great. Fd is being a poo and telling me to do Melbourne vid but I'm so ceebs.



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